15 strangest services in the world (1 photo)
One of the nicest benefits of capitalism is the huge variety of goods and services that are available on the market. If there is demand, there will always be supply. Now you can order and buy anything! And what kind of services can be found in the ad lines? We present to your attention a list of the 15 strangest services in the world.
Japanese service "We ask for forgiveness"
Asking for forgiveness is never easy, and the Japanese are no exception. Several companies in Japan thought there weren't enough people in the market willing to apologize for you. These companies are ready to ask anyone and anything for forgiveness on your behalf. Naturally, not for free. Costs range from $96 for a telephone apology to $240 for an in-person apology.
A bus for people suffering from a hangover.
Hop on the hangover bus after a wild night in Las Vegas, with a variety of amenities on board. For example, an IV and various anti-nausea medications. It sounds good when drunk, although it's not cheap.
Puppy for rent.
In Utah, you can rent a cute, furry puppy for just $15 an hour. The company will even deliver the dog to your address. The idea is that this is a kind of “tester” - people who rent dogs end up adopting them for good, becoming attached to their new four-legged friend.
Paparazzi service.
Have you ever wanted to feel famous? Now you can do it for as little as $500 (well, starting at $500). One company, Celeb 4 a Day, offers paparazzi and fan services. The people you hire will scream with delight like your true fans and take pictures of you as you walk down the street. The service is currently available in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Midget on call.
Want to make your party unforgettable? Add some spice to it? It's currently available if you live in the US, UK or Canada. You can rent a dwarf for an hour to make your party even more interesting.
Granny for rent.
Australian Grannies for Hire offers a variety of grannies for you to choose from with a variety of skills. Payment is hourly. No more lonely evenings without a delicious “grandma’s” pie.
Creating a portrait from human ashes.
For just $127, a company from Virginia will paint a portrait of your deceased relative from their own ashes after cremation.
Chicken for rent.
Another Australian company is offering you the opportunity to rent a new pet - a chicken. The slogan of this company is: “If you return it, it was a rental. If you keep it, then you bought it.”
Delivery of food to death row.
The Last Meal Company, based in Toronto, delivers the last meal (sorry for the repetition) to an inmate facing execution. Includes DVD and paper prisoner mask. Kind of creepy, right?
Friend for rent.
RentAFriend.com is here to cater to all your platonic relationship needs and requirements. Since 2009, this company has allowed people around the world to rent a friend for shared activities. Rental cost starts from $10 per hour.
Renting a foreigner.
A Japanese company allows its clients to rent a foreigner to “hang out” with. Sounds like a great job if you are an international student visiting Japan as a tourist.
Hiring a person to stand in line for you.
The queue is one of the biggest disadvantages of New York. For just $25 an hour and another 10 bucks for every 30 minutes, you can rent someone to stand in line for you. Looks like buying Broadway tickets will now be a piece of cake.
Renting an assistant to pick up girls.
Professional Wingman in New York and Boston and Wingman Pro in Los Angeles can provide you with the professional help you need to hit on a girl at the bar. Everything is quite simple: they assign you a handsome and confident actor who will help you “break the ice” and start a conversation, and then it’s up to you.
Hire a person who will choose a bar or nightclub for you.
We've all probably had this experience: you're going to a nightclub, but you're afraid that there will be too few (or too many) people there. How to find out in advance? Now you can do this thanks to the Crowdmug iPhone app. People who work with this application often visit such establishments. When you choose a bar or club, the person currently in this establishment receives a notification on their phone, takes a photo of the room from the inside and sends it to you. Voila! You will see the bar from the inside without leaving your couch! And the person who took the photo will receive money.
“We’ll clean up after your dog.”
If you're too lazy to clean up your own dog's yard or street, Virginia-based DoodyCalls will do it for you. By the way, they have been cleaning up dog poop since 2000.