How popular scenes from the movie “Home Alone” were actually filmed: secrets of filming (9 photos)

24 August 2024
Category: movie, 0+

Many of us simply adore the movie “Home Alone”, because for us it is a kind of nostalgic association with the New Year, which, by the way, is only a couple of months away. Naturally, filming comedies in the 90s did not require any effects, but nevertheless, even in this family comedy there were many secrets of the filming process that I would like to tell you about.

Fuller had his nose pressed with a chair

Remember the moment when Kevin caused a mess in the kitchen. Uncle Frank pulled back his chair and pressed it against Fuller's nose. It seems funny, but in real life it can be very traumatic. Well, it’s okay, because at the time of filming, a rubber chair back was used. If you look closely, you can see how it is deformed.

Was Marv running barefoot in the snow?

We all remember Marv running barefoot through the snow. This can be dangerous for an unprepared body. But there was no need to worry about actor Daniel Stern, because his feet were wearing special flesh-colored rubber socks so that it would not be so cold.

Kevin almost got hit by a car

The scene where Harry and Marv's car almost hits Kevin, stopping within an inch of him, is a little creepy. After all, if something was calculated inaccurately, then the guy could be shot down. But not in this case, since the scene was filmed in reverse. Kevin stood close to the car, and then it pulled back. After this, the stage was moved in the opposite direction.

And Marv's legs again

When Marv climbs into the house through a window, he steps on glass decorations with his bare feet, after which he experiences severe pain. In real life it would really be painful, but there was no need to worry about the actor’s legs, since the decorations were made of special sugar glass, which crumbles easily, does not cut and does not cause harm. Sugar glass is often used in the film industry to imitate real glass. Very comfortably.

Marv was shot in the forehead

Kevin didn't actually shoot Marv in the forehead with a gun. The ball was added during the editing stage by the visual effects master. By the way, the shine in Harry's teeth is also just a visual effect, although I think this is understandable.

Tarantula on Marv's face

Let's talk about Marv again. Remember when Kevin put Marva on Buzz the Tarantula's face? So, initially the creators wanted to use a toy, but it looked very unnatural. Then they decided to launch a real spider at the bandit’s face.

The stunt was quite dangerous, because the spider could bite the actor. Therefore, in order not to scare away the spider, actor Daniel Stern only silently opened his mouth, and his scream was added at the editing stage.

Harry's head was set on fire with a torch

One of the most memorable moments in the film is Harry's head being set on fire with a torch as he opens the door. Naturally, no one set fire to the actor’s head, but there was no chromakey there either. The process of filming this scene was somewhat more complicated.

To film this scene, Harry was projected onto special glass at a 45-degree angle. And the burner itself set fire to the mannequin’s head. Thanks to the light, only the blazing fire was visible on the glass, and at that time Joe Pesci pretended to be in pain because his head was on fire. Thus, thanks to the glass and the properly installed camera, it appears that the torch actually sets the bandit's head on fire.

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