Checking a smartphone by a spouse leads to divorce (7 photos)

3 August 2024

Surprisingly, despite the talk about “men cheat more often,” women are more afraid of their spouse checking their phone (82%), “only” 63% of men expressed concerns. 58% of both sexes admitted that their significant other's intrusion into a smartphone could potentially lead to divorce or separation. This was found out by the international anonymous survey "Psychology of family relations".

Judging by the survey results, becoming familiar with a partner's private life and communications without his desire or knowledge could lead to disastrous consequences in the following countries:

92% — Turkey (there were also answers “I would kill if I took my phone”)

81% - Italy

74% - UK

70% — USA (there were also answers “would sue for violating privacy”)

66% - Canada

65% - Poland

57% — Ukraine

47% - Israel

39% - France

28% — Belarus

Previously, psychologists updated the “top” complaints of men against their wives and companions - more than 5,000 men took part in the survey. This was reported during the annual teleconference “Family Psychology: Conflicts and Relationships.”

Judging by the results, if in 2022 men complained about their ladies’ love for TV series, excess weight, dependence on social networks, too much communication and drunkenness with friends, then in 2023, the list of complaints by a large margin was dominated by the obesity of a life partner, and also by the absence support in fears of being called to the front, resentment without explanation, etc.

In the latest survey, published in January 2024, constant purchases of “all sorts of things” on marketplaces from the family budget (or from a man’s card) almost caught up with the super-claim for women’s obesity in the survey list.

But completeness still comes first. Fullness, which is only increasing and which ladies do not want or cannot fight. To the traditional answers “it became embarrassing to go out with her in public, to invite guests”, “folds and cellulite killed all the desire” were added “she eats all the time, she makes the excuse that it’s a stressful time”, “she sits at home with the child - eats and eats”, “at work he chews something all the time”, “my male friends don’t eat that much.”

The second item that has risen sharply in the ranking of complaints is purchases on marketplaces with delivery. Men are outraged that women while away their time scrolling through products “like they used to do with photographs” and are sure to “buy something they can live without.” The answers most often included “another bag, sweater, dress, shoes to add to the dozen that are gathering dust,” “something unnecessary in the household,” and even... “then they brag to their friends about how much they ordered.”

Third place is occupied with equal results by “watching stupid TV series, with empathy for the characters and especially admiration for the “ideal” men from the movies) and “scrolling social networks with likes and stupid correspondence in the comments.”

Among the remaining claims - all the same as in 2022-2023.

This includes “at least an hour to get ready and put on makeup, as if you were going to a ball,” “love of beer or a glass of wine,” constant chatter with mom (mother-in-law) or friends.

And also, at the same time, jealousy (checking gadgets, catching inconsistencies in words, and even “not understanding that a man is polygamous”).

Also on the list is “lack of jealousy” and rejection of the husband’s desire to “play a console or tanks,” go fishing, work on a car, etc.

Women responded by saying that what infuriates them in men is their addiction to alcohol, a “beer belly” and poor physical shape, low income, boring sex and a small penis, the inability and fear of fighting, stupid hobbies and the inflated demands of their “former mother’s little pie.”

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