10 cheap films of the 21st century that everyone liked (11 photos)

15 August 2024
Category: movie, 0+

This is what can be shown well for such modest amounts. By the way, pay attention to the internationality of these films.

Right now we will once again be convinced that money in cinema is not the main thing. The main thing is to be able to shoot interesting stories, attracting good performers. As physical evidence, we will list a dozen films of this century, made on a budget of 5 million dollars or less (even down to absolutely ridiculous money for the film industry), which at the same time became audience favorites, as evidenced by ratings on popular aggregators.

Moon 2112 (UK, 2009)

Budget: $5 million

IMDb: 7.8

They cheaply showed human life on another planet. Even just one.

Donnie Darko (USA, 2001)

Budget: $4.5 million

IMDb: 8.0

They showed cheaply how an unusual young man saves the world from the end of the world.

City of God (Brazil, 2002)

Budget: $3.3 million

IMDb: 8.6

They showed the harsh life in Brazilian favelas cheaply.

Obsession (USA, 2014)

Budget: $3.3 million

IMDb: 8.5

They showed cheaply how a talented musician can become a genius if you find him a good tutor.

Memories of Murder (South Korea, 2003)

Budget: $2.8 million

IMDb: 8.1

They showed cheaply how difficult it can be to identify a serial killer even in a small town.

The Lives of Others (Germany, 2006)

Budget: $2 million

IMDb: 8.4

They showed cheaply that “Comrade Major” knows how to sympathize.

Divorce of Nader and Simin (Iran, 2011)

Budget: $500,000

IMDb: 8.3

They showed cheaply how difficult it is to get a divorce in Iran.

Man from Earth (USA, 2007)

Budget: $200,000

IMDb: 7.8

They cheaply showed how a man confesses to his friends that he is immortal.

Once Upon a Time (Ireland, 2007)

Budget: $150,000

IMDb: 7.8

They showed cheaply how different people are brought together by music and loneliness.

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