10 best films of Emma Stone - two-time Oscar winner (11 photos + 1 video)

14 July 2024
Category: movie, 0+

Over the course of her 17-year career, the actress was nominated for this award four times and won the gold statuette twice.

Welcome to Zombieland (2009)

IMDb: 7.5

For the sixth film in her career, Emma received a nomination in the category “Best Horror Actress” and a team award for Best Cast from the Scream Awards.

Excellent student of easy virtue (2010)

IMDb: 7

The actress's first great achievement can be considered a Golden Globe nomination for this film. The audience's sympathy was confirmed by the MTV Awards, which presented Emma with the award for best comedic role.

This Stupid Love (2011)

IMDb: 7.4

The first duet between Ryan Gosling and Emma!

The Help (2011)

IMDb: 8.1

The actress finally tried herself in a non-comedy role, and how well she did it! This was also noticed by the honorary Screen Actors Guild Award, which presented the actress with an award for outstanding performance. She also shared accolades from the Critics' Choice Film Awards with the main cast.

Birdman (2014)

IMDb: 7.7

This work became Emma's first Oscar nomination, British BAFTA nomination and second Golden Globe nomination.

La La Land (2016)

IMDb: 8

The third duet between Ryan Gosling and Emma, ​​which this time brought her an Oscar for Best Actress. In the same category, she won BAFTA and Golden Globe awards.

Battle of the Sexes (2017)

IMDb: 6.7

Despite lower ratings than Emma's previous films, the sports comedy is popular and has received generally positive reviews from critics. No wonder the Golden Globe nominated the actress for Best Actress.

The Favorite (2018)

IMDb: 7.5

And again the actress was nominated for an Oscar, but for her supporting role. The film itself participated in nine nominations.

Cruella (2021)

IMDb: 7.3

The main role in this comedy brought the actress another Golden Globe nomination.

Poor Unfortunate (2023)

IMDb: 8.1

The role in this film became the actress’s second Oscar win. BAFTA and the Golden Globe also did not ignore the actress and presented awards for her unsurpassed performance.

It is noticeable how Emma Stone continues to grow as an actress, increasingly attracting the attention of film critics and film awards. Perhaps even cooler films with her participation are ahead of us!

Emma Stone won her second Oscar yesterday for her role in The Lost and Lost.

The actress gave one of the most touching speeches of the 96th ceremony.

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