Interesting facts about education from around the world (4 photos)

14 August 2024
Category: actuality, 0+

Without education it is difficult to imagine a civilized country. A person begins to explore the world from early childhood and continues learning throughout his entire adult life. Agree, it’s always interesting to know how the educational process is structured among different peoples of the world? In this article we provide a list of the most interesting facts about studying.

1. In French schools there is a twenty-point score. According to experts, in this situation it is possible to assess student achievements as accurately as possible. After all, some can only “memorize” a subject, while others grasp everything on the fly.

2. In Japan, the school year begins in April, not September. The Japanese associate this time with the cherry blossom period - the main symbol of the country. It means renewal and the arrival of important events in life. Knowledge for every Japanese is something sacred.

3. The most affordable prices for training in vocational education programs in Spain. The cost of training is 200-500 euros per year. Officially, the secondary vocational education system here is called Formacion Profesional: Grado Medio. Popular specialties include nuclear medicine, 3D animation and DJing.

4. In Ireland, specialized educational institutions are not divided into universities, institutes and colleges. Everything together is called one term: “third level”. SPO can be obtained from state educational institutions. An academic degree is also awarded there.

5. The highest cost of education at Sarah Lawrence College in the USA. This is a private educational institution created by the American tycoon William Lawrence. Initially, the college was created to train women specialists in the field of art history. Today, students are offered many courses in the following areas: history, social sciences, natural sciences.

6. In Great Britain, children begin to study at the age of 5. Schooling lasts 11 years. Next, the educational process is built according to our type: middle and high classes are formed. At the end of school, students take a test. In the future, graduates may go to college or university. The cost of college is much lower than at a university, but college diplomas are recognized on an equal basis with university diplomas.

7. Chinese students are the most hardworking and resilient. Starting from the first grade, they get up at dawn and study independently until 8 am. Then they have lessons until 16:00, and additional classes until 21:00.

8. But the Greeks don’t have to rush anywhere. The state provided students with an extensive list of benefits: free education, meals, medical care, discounts on travel. This is probably why Greek residents delay their studies until they are 30 years old. All Greek universities are public, higher education is free for citizens of the country.

9. In Germany, schoolchildren are given more freedom compared to the rest of Europe. Students choose their own subjects for preparation. For example, someone who wants to become a lawyer in the future may give up physics or biology. However, there is a list of required disciplines: mathematics, German and a second foreign language.

10. Colleges in Holland are the most popular institutions that train young personnel for the labor market. This is approximately 50% of specialists who have a diploma of secondary vocational education. Community colleges have established relationships with leading businesses in the country. So after graduation, graduates have no problems finding a job.

11. Al-Qaraween is the oldest university in the world. It was founded in 859. The educational institution is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The university is located in the city of Fes (Morocco). Modern education is concentrated on Islamic and legal sciences. Students also study French and English. Classes are held according to the traditional method: students sit around a lecturer who explains to them the intricacies of the discipline.

12. The oldest student is Robert Cronin from Great Britain. He studied biology at Princeton University for 52 years. The eternal student entered the university in 1948 and graduated in 2000.

13. The most expensive school is in London. The cost of training for one month is approximately 80,000 pounds sterling. Children are taught not only science, but also etiquette. The school's program is aimed at making young Englishmen real ladies and gentlemen. Students attend social events, go to theaters and museums.

14. High school students in Belgian schools can receive not only basic, but also specialized education. There are 4 types of schools in Belgium: general, technical, vocational and artistic. Each student chooses a direction taking into account his preferences and plans. With the base he receives, it will be easier for him to enter a university.

15. In the Italian city of Alpette there is the smallest school in the world. In 2014-2015, only one student studied here. The lessons are taught by a single teacher. He is responsible for the entire educational process. Training takes place only according to the primary education program. Parents of students are not against such conditions: there are no problems with discipline, and classes are conducted individually.

16. But the largest school is located in India, the city of Lucknow. About 40,000 children study there. At the time of its opening in 1959, five children went to classes, because only two classes were formed. Today the school includes 20 branches that operate like campuses. Every parent dreams of placing their child here. In addition to quality education, there is an opportunity to educate children from different classes.

17. In California there is a men's college where you can get a higher education in two years. About 30 students study there. They master manual labor, animal husbandry and farming. The college was created with the goal of uniting like-minded people, developing community spirit and a love of nature.

18. Gelato University is an unusual educational institution that teaches students how to make ice cream. The school is located near Bologna (Italy). It was founded by an ice cream machine company. The university trains students who want to open their own point of production and sale of unique ice cream from unusual ingredients: fish, cheese and even wine.

19. The A. M. Gorky Literary Institute is the only university that trains students to create highly artistic works. The institute's campus is located in the center of Moscow. Students study poetry, prose, and upon graduation receive the specialty “Literary Worker”. Despite the fact that the profession has never appeared in popularity ratings, the competition among applicants is high - about 20 people per place. Famous writers once studied within the walls of the literary institute: Konstantin Simonov, Evgeny Zamyatin, Boris Zakhoder and others.

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