European lynx: how do they hunt deer 5 times their size? (11 photos)

5 August 2024
Category: animals, 0+

Every part of the world has its own super cool cat. Africa has a lion, Asia has a tiger, America has a puma. And here, in Europe, the main cat of the entire region is the lynx.

And don’t look at the fact that she is smaller than the rest of the cats on this list - she is no less cool!

A silent and deadly tygydyk that you don't want to hear in the forest.

The common lynx is the largest cat in Europe. But its range extends far beyond the region. Lynx can be found in the Asian part of Turkey, beyond the Caucasus, and in the east it reaches all the way to China, the Far East and Kamchatka. This is understandable, because one cat needs land of up to 2,500 hectares! And even with such a large area, there is not enough land for everyone. A significant part of the species is forced to roam through forests. During the day, such wanderers travel from 5 to 30 kilometers.

Oh, hello, traveler. I invite you to lunch with you as the main course!

Like any other cool cat, the lynx is surrounded by a trail of myths and legends. Among the people, she has a reputation as a kind of ninja paratrooper who is able to jump from a tree straight onto the withers of an animal and gnaw its throat in 20 seconds.

Let me take a picture of you, like you want to eat me?

Moreover, not only small rodents and lizards become its victims. It attacks large ungulates, such as red deer and reindeer. But their weight exceeds 150 kilograms - 5 times more than the lynx itself! They even say that a person walking in the forest needs to constantly look into the treetops. Neither long arms, nor strong legs, nor a loaded gun will save him from a cat landing from above.

Well, even the most beautiful predators are not always graceful.

Fortunately for us, the above is a mixture of truth and lies. Not a single case of a lynx attacking a person has been recorded in the entire history of observations. But seals enthusiastically chase lagomorphs, rodents and large birds such as black grouse. Animals can also kill deer, but they use a completely different strategy. None of them are ready to jump on prey from above - it is too risky and traumatic.

There is confrontation between cats and dogs even in the deep forest!

Lynxes prefer to attack prey from the dense shadows of dawn or dusk. They approach prey at a distance of 10-15 meters. For other predators, such a distance is almost insurmountable. But the lynx overtakes the victim with a series of powerful jumps, the length of which can reach 4 meters!


The animal tries to grab the throat of its prey. If this fails, then the predator hangs on the victim and holds on as long as it can. A large deer is able to escape from the capture, but this will not save him. The forest cat will follow the trail of bloody spots and overtake the tired and wounded animal later. The main thing in the process is not to run into a wolverine or a pack of wolves. They regularly take prey from the cat or even hunt it itself.

San, just don’t leave hickeys, otherwise your mom will scold you!

Another unique feature of the cat is its efficiency in winter. While other predators, with the onset of cold weather, suck their paws, wander south or gather in packs, the lynx arranges a full-fledged feast! After all, its main ally comes into play - snow.

My time has finally come.

Snow cover greatly slows down ungulates and forces them to expend a lot of energy on movement. But the snowdrifts practically do not bother the predator. Its extra-wide paws work like snowshoes and prevent you from falling too deep. In addition, they hide steps remarkably well. The lynx is practically silent at any time of the year.

She sneaked up unnoticed to yell loudly.

And despite all its fighting instincts, dangerous disposition and body created for hunting, the lynx is quite tolerant of humans! She surprisingly easily gets used to his presence, she can even be tamed. Of course, you won’t turn a wild animal into a domestic cat, but establishing mutual understanding with it and teaching it to cuddle is more than possible!

Hey, master, do you want to play on the computer? And what about me?

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