Declaration of love, marriage, moving. What crazy lengths men go to for women (6 photos)

16 July 2024
Category: funny, 0+

One in four men believe that getting married is the most reckless thing they have ever done for a woman. 1,600 economically active men from all districts of the country took part in an open survey of the job search service SuperJob.

On the eve of March 8, sociologists traditionally push the topic of relations between men and women.

So, to the question to men, “What is the most reckless thing you have done for a woman?” the answer “married” is in the lead by a wide margin. 27% of respondents answered this way.

Further opinions differed and were fragmented into tiny percentages:

Walked/traveled far for meetings (4%)

Moved (3%)

Declared his love (3%)

Got into a fight (2%)

Climbed to her through the window/balcony (2%)

Bought an expensive gift (2%)

One percent received the following answers:

took out a loan;

bathed in ice water;

forgave her for her wrongdoing/lie/betrayal;

jumped from a height;

divorced his wife.

Also answer:

quit smoking, quit his job, trusted, got a tattoo of her name, married her friend, wrote her name on the asphalt, refused other women, sang a song under the window, quarreled with his parents, lost his business, missed competitions, sold his car, broke a window , left social networks, dropped out of college, left her, stole flowers from a flowerbed.

And the most interesting thing, girls:

19% of men said that they had never done anything reckless for a woman in their life.

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