There are a lot of important components in games - graphics, sound, gameplay. The plot in many of them is often not the key - especially in some racing games. But if a game has a great plot, then a lot can be forgiven.
Over the past few years, creators have begun to devote a lot more time to game scripts. After all, if you make the plot fascinating, don’t skimp on the actors and write high-quality dialogues, gamers will not focus on small flaws in the gameplay, if any. Here are a few games worth checking out.
The Witcher (2015)
The open world always attracts, and combined with an interesting plot, the game has won the hearts of thousands of players. The world's secrets aren't as varied, and the combat isn't as good as it could be, but the game is still intriguing. Plus sudden plot twists and very likable characters.
The Last of Us (2013) and The Last of Us: Part 2 (2020)

The game was popular even before the release of the series of the same name, but today it has again become number one. No one remained indifferent to the game. This is a serious post-apocalyptic drama, where at some point you realize that you are literally in a film, where you can control the characters and, to a certain extent, decide their fate.
It is worth paying tribute, the graphics and gameplay here are also excellent.
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (2015) and Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (2016)

Great game in the style of "Indiana Jones". Two charismatic brothers exchange biting banter as they search for the world's greatest treasure. They travel the world, communicate, reveal secrets to each other, and already in the middle of the game you begin to empathize with each Uncharted character.
What Remains of Edith Finch (2017)

A poignant story about a girl who comes to her family estate, since she is the last one left in her entire family.
She explores the house, going into each room, reading diaries, traveling into the past and the player can see with his own eyes how the last days of each of the Finch family passed.
Each room is a story with its own separate mechanics: in some places you have to fly, in others you have to turn pages, and in others you have to jump on tree branches. All the stories are truly touching, they are different and none will leave you indifferent.
Firewatch (2016)

At first it seems that this is a game in the spirit of Stephen King thrillers surrounded by fantastically beautiful landscapes. Some kind of secret that the main character, the ranger, must eventually come to. But this is not true.
Yes, you will have to be nervous during the game, but this is not about the secrets of the forest. This is an incredibly beautiful game about loneliness, escaping from oneself and relationships with people. Here you can wander, watch the sunsets and even take pictures of the views you particularly like. And think about how important it is to understand yourself, because wherever you go, you always take yourself with you.
Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018)

In the opinion of the author of the article, this is the best and most thoughtful game in terms of plot. And acting.
This is the story of people in the Wild West who simply cannot keep up with the changing world. There is not a single passable character, not a single empty dialogue, not a single fate that would not touch the player.
RDR 2 raises very difficult and philosophical questions on the topic of redemption, friendship, betrayal, love. The script is so well written that in the end you worry about the main character as if you were a loved one and even cry at the end.
Write your favorite computer games in the comments, let's put together a cool selection of things you can play.