Fun facts about human nature that unexpectedly turned out to be true (7 photos)

6 February 2025
Category: actuality, 0+

It seems that, with the exception of the brain, science has long understood the rest of the essence of human nature.

But this is not so: new and sometimes ridiculous discoveries prove that we do not know everything about ourselves.

Right-handed men live almost 10 years longer

The conclusion was made by a group of researchers from California State University at San Bernardino, who studied statistical data in a sample of North Carolinians. The average age of right-handers was 75 years, and left-handers were 9 years younger. Among the causes of death, accidents are often found, which is predictable, because the world and everything in it - everyday life, technology, transport - are aimed at the majority, that is, right-handed people.

A beard provides additional protection during a fight.

Scientists from Utah examined the facial hair of representatives of the stronger half of humanity from such an unexpected perspective. The beard is an evolutionary tool that provides additional shock absorption. The experiment was carried out on composite models with subsequent measurement of the impact force. As a result, it was found that bearded specimens suffered less.

All diseases are from nerves

And this is not just a common phrase, but a conclusion reached by researchers at an institute that deals specifically with the problem of stress. Constant nervous tension leads to problems with digestion, namely with the intestines. As a result, the immune system suffers, since the intestinal microflora and the immune system are in continuous interaction with each other. The consequence is the activation of a variety of diseases.

Cold bedrooms cause nightmares

The minimum temperature threshold in the sleeping room should be +18 degrees. If the temperature drops below this mark, then the chances of seeing some kind of horror in a dream increase sharply. This conclusion was reached by Rachel Salas, a professor of neurology at Johns Hopkins University. However, if the bedroom is more than +25 degrees, the effect will be similar. As in the case of elevated body temperature: many have probably encountered the fact that during illness they often have, if not outright nightmares, then definitely heavy and cloudy dreams.

The amount of body hair in humans and monkeys is the same

During evolution, the fur on the body was reduced, but did not completely disappear. The number of hair follicles has been preserved, but the hairs themselves have become thinner, weaker and lighter.

Not only cats

It is known that in one litter there can be kittens from different fathers. In the case of yard animals, this is not so uncommon. But it turns out that the same can happen with people, although very rarely. This was confirmed by the story of a US resident who demanded child support from the father of her twins. As a result of the examination, it was established that one baby has no relation to the biological father. His woman conceived from another man because she had two ovulation cycles with a very short interval between them. True, they could not find the second man. But the first one saved on alimony, which in the case of a lady who was not too moral or simply forgetful would have to pay for two children.

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