15 facts about everything in the world that will expand your horizons (16 photos)

5 September 2024
Category: actuality, 0+

Scientists say that in order to develop our brains, we need to learn something new every day. In this post you will read a daily dose of interesting information.

1. People begin to understand competitive behavior from the age of four.

2. Dubai firefighters use water and air jetpacks to extinguish fires in high-rise buildings

3. A man named Mitchell Heisman left a 1,905-page suicide note. It took him 5 years to finish everything

4. In the film Psycho, Alfred Hitchcock achieved the desired sound of blows by hitting several melons.

5. A bee has the same number of hairs as a squirrel. About 3 million

6. Servicing a Bugatti Veyron costs about $21,000

7. When they filmed the movie "Interstellar", they planted 34 thousand acres of corn. However, after some time, the producers were able to recoup these huge investments by selling almost the entire crop

8. The only thing Usain Bolt ate at the Olympic Games in China was fried chicken, because the rest of the food seemed too strange to him.

9. In 1890, Vincent Van Gogh attempted suicide by shooting himself in the chest with a pistol. He survived and even managed to get to the hospital on his own, where he died 29 hours later.

10. Pythagoras questioned Astrology, claiming that a pair of twins born on the same day would have different futures.

11. We always inhale more air through one nostril compared to the other.

When we breathe, our nostrils work differently. Usually one nostril is always dominant, what is most curious is that the “dominant” nostril changes every 4 hours.

12. Scientists have found that octopuses lived before dinosaurs. These strange sea creatures have seen a lot in this world

13. There are people who can see colors that are inaccessible to most. They are called tetrachromats

14. Using your non-dominant hand helps you control your emotions.

Using your non-dominant hand to perform daily tasks for two weeks can help calm your temper. Research has shown that people with anger problems and poor self-control can learn to manage their temperament by using the “wrong” hand to complete their daily tasks.

15. Traffic lights in Japan have blue lights because in ancient times the Japanese used the same word for blue or green.

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