18 “outdated” things and technologies that are still in use (19 photos)

26 July 2024
Category: nostalgia, 0+

Just because something is more modern doesn't mean it's better. New technologies and development are of course great, but people still happily use some good old things. Users of the Reddit forum shared such outdated things and technologies that they still use today.

1. Walkie-talkies are still in use, despite the existence of mobile phones that perform similar functions

2. "I've changed the batteries in my calculator once in 30 years."

3. “Buttons on car dashboards are cool. I don’t understand why they’re trying to put everything on touch screens.”

4. “I have oil lamps and matches in five rooms. They are beautiful and convenient to use during a power outage.”

5. “Pagers! Doctors often use them in some hospitals because they are more reliable in places where cell phones do not have network coverage.”

6. “Wired headphones. There is no interference with them and they do not require charging. It’s not for nothing that all professional studio headphones are still wired.”

7. “As a student pilot, I say that maps are a cool thing. During our studies, we use regular maps as the main means of navigation, and GPS as a backup.”

8. “I still get DVDs from the library near my house. Good quality movies that don’t require hours of searching and downloading.”

9. Analog radios. This is stylish, damn it!

10. "Microfilm and microfiche. We still use them in libraries. Every day I have to show someone how to use them - almost no one knows."

11. "Mechanical watch. The electricity can be turned off, but such a watch will always run"

12. “I have a good old manual meat grinder from my grandmother. I use it to prepare minced meat, but you can grind a lot of other things with it.”

13. "Ipod/Mp3/Mp4 players. We seem to have forgotten about them, but given the battery capacity of modern phones, it is better to have a separate device for music or audiobooks"

14. "Paper calendars. Nothing beats the feeling of having a regular paper calendar hanging on the wall, where you can write and see what day it is without taking out your phone."

15. "Dual-blade safety razors provide a much better shave. And they are much cheaper than modern razors with multiple blades."

16. "Books. Just printed books!"

17. “Off topic, but it’s amazing that in our developed world with all kinds of technology, they still use dogs to find contraband.”

18. Abacus or abacus. There's something about it!

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