17 interesting comparisons that describe the difference better than any words or numbers (18 photos)

11 July 2024
Category: miscellaneous, 0+

Everything is learned by comparison, isn’t it? This phrase may be banal, but it is also incredibly accurate. In comparisons lies an amazing opportunity to clearly highlight the differences between objects or phenomena that at first glance may seem similar. The main advantage of this technique is its simplicity and clarity.

There is no need for any extra explanations or calculations. Often comparisons become the key to new discoveries and conclusions that help expand our horizons. Sometimes they can be so curious and unusual that you want to show them to everyone around you.

New filter and a week old filter in the production workshop

This girl went to the hairdresser to straighten her curls. Look how long they really are

Just an insane ratio! After straightening, your hair needs a lot of care as it can very easily turn into a tangled mess.

The difference between the players of two hockey teams. Someone probably didn't have the easiest game

"The left hemisphere of my brain is larger than the right"

Technically your right side is larger. MRI scans are taken from below, so you look from top to bottom rather than the other way around.

Giant apple or small watermelon?

Difference between Northeast and Midwest US (Boston and Chicago)

The city of the perfectionist and the ordinary person.

Thermal imaging shows the temperature difference between a normal foot and a foot with an ingrown toenail

The inflammatory process increased the temperature of the skin area. To normalize the condition, it is necessary to get rid of the source of inflammation.

Home dryer next to industrial dryer

Two unopened jars of the same brand of honey were stored side by side for several months. One crystallized, the other did not

They are from different hives or bee farms. The difference in the ratio of fructose to glucose is the reason why honey crystallizes or not.

“The biggest and smallest sweet potatoes my mom grew this year.”

Regular and triangular Skittles

Looks rare...advertise and put it up for sale. Someone will buy this for thousands for their collection.

Shriveled egg

This egg is completely edible. However, such a shell signals that the bird has a copper deficiency in its body.

Clear difference in skin types

Huge amethyst geode compared to a human

A geode is an enclosed cavity of crystals that forms underground.

Giant hail

New sewing needle next to the needle after several months of active use

It turns out that it is recommended to change the needle every twenty hours of sewing. This will prevent stitches from slipping and poor fabric tension while working.

On the left is the blood of a person without health problems, on the right is the blood of a person suffering from anemia

Anemia is characterized by a violation of the structure of cells and a decrease in hemoglobin levels, which determines the color of the blood in one of the test tubes.

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