From nurse to Catman: 25 funny cats in themed costumes (26 photos)
Everyone is already accustomed to dogs parading around the streets in overalls and sweaters, but dressed-up cats are still able to surprise, especially with unusual looks.
We want to introduce you to 25 cats and tell you about the history of cat fashion.
Few people know, but cat fashion did not appear thanks to Chinese online stores where you can buy the devil himself, especially such a charming one, it was already in the ancient world.
The Bird of Happiness
The history of cat clothing goes much deeper and began in Ancient Egypt thousands of years ago. Then these creatures were treated as divine creatures who could live between two worlds: the living and the dead.
Mistress of the Northern Lands
Cats were honored, not only with fresh fish for breakfast, but also with jewelry, for example, they were given bracelets on their paws, necklaces made of gold and onyx, and covered with blankets on top.
True Catwoman
Baron von Kott
Over time, cats “lost” their divinity in the eyes of people, but at the same time they did not lose their charm. Many people still carried them on their arms and tied bows around their necks.
Little Neko
The French kings of the Middle Ages especially distinguished themselves, when cats were called the favorites of kings and had hundreds of dresses, hats and jewelry in their dressing rooms.
Little Red Riding Hood
The servants were obliged not only to honor the tailed “favorites,” but also to be able to tie bows for them in different ways, according to the fashion and mood of the monarch.
Blue Stitch
Now cats are dressed in cardigans and dresses for a number of reasons. Firstly, clothing helps keep you warm while walking outside. Secondly, some cat breeds require clothing. For example, sphinxes cannot stand the cold, especially in winter, and will be grateful to their owner for a warm sweater.
How to tame such a dragon?
Jurassic cat
The fluffiest tyrannosaurus
Strict nurse
Small kittens and old cats can also freeze.
Good Doctor
A warm jacket will not be amiss for those cats who have recently undergone surgery, because part of their fur has been shaved off.
Shirt guy
In the summer, many cat owners dress their animals in light pajamas to protect their pets from parasites, such as ticks. Yes, cats tolerate a tick bite much easier than dogs, but for them it’s not pleasant either.
Popeye the Sailor
Keeping order
And cat owners simply love to dress up their tailed and mustachioed pets in various funny costumes, which not only amuse those around them, but also characterize the owner as a creative and creative person.
Sheriff in the Wild West
Do you also catch a connection with Stallone?
Peter Pan's Storm
The best Jedi teacher
True, buying clothes for your pet is half the battle, but putting them on a cat requires true talent. Cats are quite delicate creatures, and not all clothes will be to their taste.
A warlike Ewok, not a teddy bear
Thus, the ideal piece of clothing in the eyes of a cat should not restrict its movements, should not interfere with running along the walls, and especially not doing night tricks.
Dark Catman
Also, cats will not like it if a jacket or dress rustles, rustles, becomes electrified and flutters in the wind, like Miss Monroe’s. Exceptions are superhero capes. The cats are amazingly good in them.
Agile Spidercat
Meowing Pikachu
Ronald McDonald in a new look
Owners should be more attentive to details when choosing: zippers, rivets and sharp things can pinch fur or injure the skin, for which the cat will not thank you.