4 kg hat and fainting according to the rules: facts about the British Royal Guard (6 photos)

23 September 2024
Category: actuality, 0+

How to faint correctly, how much a hat weighs and how much British guardsmen earn, we tell you in our material.

The Royal Guard guarding Buckingham Palace in London is perhaps the most famous security structure on the planet. It is impossible to imagine London without these serious men in fur hats and red uniforms. What will happen if they talk or smile, why they wear such strange headdresses and what color, besides red, their uniforms are, find out from our material.

The best of the best

The Royal Guard is recruited from members of the British Army, and only the best of the best can have the honor of guarding the royal family and the palace.

However, this prestigious job is not as well paid as it may seem: guardsmen earn on average around £1,900, which is not very much by UK standards. However, salaries increase with length of service.

Why is the uniform red, and what other colors do uniforms come in?

Historically, the Royal Guards wore red uniforms. Once upon a time, color was of great importance: the fact is that red is very difficult to perceive. Red uniforms create an optical illusion, because from afar all the soldiers in red will be perceived as a single bright spot. This means that the enemy will not be able to correctly assess the forces, since he will not understand how many people are in the army.

Of course, these days the guards perform not only the role of protectors of the monarch (perhaps this role has even faded into the background), they have long been part of British culture. So the red color is a tribute to the past.

As for the uniform, the guards have another option: blue-gray coats. The Queen's protectors wear this uniform during the cold season, in autumn and winter.

Why such a hat?

A fur hat is also a tribute to tradition. Initially, soldiers wore elongated headdresses for one purpose - to look taller. And by the way, not only the British had such a uniform, but also, for example, the military of the Napoleonic army.

The hat is made of bear hair, despite this fact, the guards also wear it in the summer, so it is very hot in it. In addition, the headdress is heavy, and in the rain it gets wet and generally weighs about 4 kg.

By the way, regarding natural fur: over the past decades, the army has faced protests from animal rights activists. True, the “green” monarchy does not support and has not abandoned natural fur. The reason is that it is more durable and resistant to all the vicissitudes of British weather.

Another feature of the hat is the chin strap, and this idea also ties into the past of British soldiers. If a soldier is wounded in battle, the heavy hat secured under the chin may fall back, causing a neck fracture. The chin strap helps prevent such unnecessary injuries.

Prohibitions on talking and laughing

Kingsguard must not talk, laugh or smile. Some travelers even have a special entertainment - to make the guardsman laugh or talk.

Of course, guardsmen are not allowed to communicate with each other during service (of course, they can during a break) and show their emotions; even a small smile can be fined. The only thing you can hear from the guards is the phrase: “Make way for the Royal Guard!”

There are rules for fainting

The guards' uniforms are heavy and very hot in the summer. Heatstroke is not uncommon for them, as is fainting. But even here you must follow your own rules: the guardsman must fall clearly facing forward, without lowering the rifle. Guardsmen are not allowed to fall on their sides, sway, lower their arms, squat and, of course, drop their weapons.

Is the monarch in the palace?

By the number of guards at Buckingham Palace you can understand whether the monarch is at home. If there are four guards at the entrance, then the king is inside, but if there are two, then the ruler is absent. At the same time, the guards do not stand guard around the clock; the guard changes every two hours.

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