Several interesting mutations in the natural world (15 photos)

8 September 2024
Category: animals, 0+

A selection of various mutations that made their owners much more unique.

Everyone is unique in their own way. But it also happens that nature decides to add a little more brightness and uniqueness to someone. And the means that helps her achieve the desired result is called mutation.

Most often, the word “mutation” evokes some kind of negative emotions in us. After all, no matter what it is, it still remains a deviation from the norm. But sometimes such transformations in appearance do not in the least harm their owners. And even vice versa. They add that very zest that allows them to stand out from others.

Either a leaf, or another tulip petal

Stag beetle - gynandromorph

Gynandromorphism is an anomaly, as a result of which an individual has both female and male characteristics.

Two-headed turtle with babies

Powerful muscles or a dog with a myostatin gene mutation

Myostatin is responsible for muscle growth both before and after birth, and prevents it from constantly growing. Therefore, disruption of this gene leads to a doubling of muscle mass and an almost complete absence of fat in the body.

And this is what this mutation looks like on a bull

Peacock cameo, whose unusual color is due to a sex mutation

Moth with 3 wings

A unique white dolphin named Casper

Scientists suggest that Casper has leucism. This is a mutation that causes partial loss of pigmentation of the outer integument in animals.

Vitiligo in the animal world


This is freedom. She has what I call the “cleft nose mutation,” which appears at birth and does not in any way interfere with her life. I think on the contrary it makes her unique and charming!

Only three breeds of dogs have this peculiar feature: the Old Spanish Pointer, the double-nosed Tiger Hound and the Catalburun.

Cobra without scales

This is a congenital defect that does not prevent her from functioning fully.

Fungus on a fungus resulting from the rosecomb mutation

Omo the giraffe with leucism

One more paw

This genetic deviation is called polydactyly.

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