15 cases when people helped figure out the purpose of mysterious objects (17 photos + 1 video)
There are an insane number of devices and devices created in the world, designed to solve completely different problems.
And there are so many of these things that new problems arise: trying to guess, looking at a thing, what it is for and how to use it. Fortunately, Internet experts are capable of any task, and they can easily determine what is intended for what.
1. Ceramic plate with six round depressions
This is a plate for Escargot, a French snail dish served with dry white wine.
This is what it looks like:
2. Metal curved decorative rod
These are Chinese bookmarks. A metal rod is placed between the pages and the decoration ends up on the spine and is visible when the book is on the shelf.
3. Found this set in a new apartment
These are tools for modeling clay.
4. What is this alien thing?
This is a Seeburg Symphonola jukebox.
5. Plastic thing that imitates wood. AA battery for comparison
This is a rune for fortune telling. It is called "gebo" and means "gift".
6. What are those metal things with the end that looks like a spoon?
Commentators believe that this is an ear cleaning device. They say that these are popular in Asia, since Asians have dry earwax.
7. A 4 m high funnel with 3 exits next to a children's playground and beer garden in Germany
This is a three-sided basketball hoop. You score a ball, but you don't know which hole it will come out of.
8. A piece of metal found on Mustang Island right off the Gulf of Mexico. It was on the beach.
Commentators said that these are replicas of coins that can be bought in whole packs and used for the game. For example, hide it in the sand for children to look for treasures.
9. Small metal object found on the sidewalk
This is a bullet.
10. Found on sale. They thought they were baby teeth, but the dentist said they were adult teeth. Kept in its own leatherette case
Someone suggested that this is GriGri - a voodoo amulet that protects the owner from evil forces. However, this comment has been disputed, both the material of the bag and the item itself (there should be several of them) are inappropriate. People speculated that it was a craft made from artificial teeth embedded in denture acrylic. Dentists admitted that they can do this out of boredom.
11. A rusty metal sphere was found on a beach in Sligo, Ireland.
This is a sea buoy.
12. Green tube with yellow sponge inside
This is a humidifier for string instruments.
13. What is this large metal sphere on a stand with a dial and cords?
This is an integrating sphere. Used for light measurements and other light experiments.
14. A wheel with spokes rotates. It's fascinating and hypnotic. What is this?
This is a gyroscope toy.
Here's how it works
15. It looks like a spoon, with a capacity of about 15 ml. Most likely made of brass

This is a device for extinguishing candles.
Did you know what all these things were for?