18 Designers Who Deserve a Promotion for Their Creativity (16 Photos)
Fortunately for us, the world is full of creative people who, with their fantastic ideas, make our lives much easier and brighter. In this post you will see some creative examples. Take a look!
Paris, wall painting - Montmartre
The design of a jar of honey was developed for the brand by a student from Serbia, Tamara Mihajlovic
This restaurant has tables where you can charge your mobile phone wirelessly
Floor mat with folding furniture
I found this really cool display at the Apple Store in Manhattan
Realistic tire python
Doors in a butcher shop
The packaging of this paste has oregano and pepper on the ends.
Unusual packaging for popcorn
Lego tennis shoes
B&W chocolates are shaped and sized like chess pieces so you can eat them while you play
Ingenious design of a bottle of Samurai vodka
Pack of durable fishing boots imitates a piranha pond
Cotton swabs for ears come in different colors and form the image of Vincent Van Gogh