30 photos that can tell more about history than a textbook (31 photos)

21 January 2025
Category: story, 0+

Confucius also said: “Study the past if you want to foresee the future.” Thanks to old photographs, we can go back into the past, analyze it, learn something new, and better understand people's lives. We present to your attention a collection of retro photographs from the online community World Historical Pictures.

1. World War I Memorial in Vakratota, Hungary

2. Unknown rebel in front of a tank column in Tiananmen Square on June 5, 1989, uncropped version of the photo

3Sioux Wigwams on the Great Plains in the 1800s

4. Cardiac surgeon Zbigniew Religa monitoring a patient's condition after completing a 23-hour heart transplant operation. His assistant is sleeping in the corner. 1987

5. Engineer connecting one of the first IBM computers, 1958

6. A fire truck moves across the Brooklyn Bridge towards the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Everyone in the truck soon died

7. 19-year-old David Isom, who violated the color line at a segregated swimming pool in Florida on June 8, 1958, causing officials to close the facility

8. American women, mother and daughter, with the national flag, early 1900s

9. More than 3,000 workers involved in the construction of the Chase Manhattan Bank in New York pose for a photo at the completion of construction, August 1964

10. Silent film actress Dolores Costello, grandmother of Drew Barrymore, 1928

11. US Lieutenant Colonel Robert Stirm sees his family for the first time after five years of captivity in North Vietnam. March 17, 1973

12. Remember the famous photo of workers having lunch on an unfinished New York skyscraper? Here comes photographer Charles Ebbets. 09.20.1932

13. Huffy Radiobike with built-in radio, 1950s

14. American athlete Jesse Owens worked as a gas station attendant to pay for his studies at Ohio State University. 1935

15. Native Americans (Blackfoot people) on the roof of the Mcalpin Hotel after refusing to sleep in their rooms, New York

16. Mark Twain and his longtime friend John T. Lewis (probably the inspiration for the character "Jim" in Huckleberry Finn), New York, 1903.

17. An immigrant family on Ellis Island in New York sets out to chase their dreams. 1900s

18. Thirteen sisters from the Brooks family look at their only brother Leslie Benjamin after his birth at home in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 1954.

19. New York, 1957

20. Mount St. Helens eruption, 1980

21. George W. McLaurin in 1948, separated from the rest of his group at the university

22. Madison Square, New York, circa 1900

23. Federal Reserve Bank, New York, 1959

24. Marilyn Monroe in Amagansett, New York, 1957

25. Telephone tower before lines began to be connected into cables. This tower has 5000 lines (1890)

26. A prisoner of war returns home, 1946.

27. On the New York subway, 1984

28. The daughter of an impoverished Arkansas farmer cooks on an old stove while her mother is in a tuberculosis sanatorium during the Great Depression. Red Cross photo, circa 1930.

29. Unknown American soldier, 1965

30. A man records a tape at a music festival in the 1980s.

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