How to cross a railway and why you should not step on the rails and the ends of the sleepers (5 photos)
No matter how much you warn, someone will still run across the tracks. To avoid trouble, you need to follow simple rules.
The railway is a rather dangerous thing. But if you know basic things, everything will be fine.
Electric train in the Kursk direction
You cannot turn away from a passing train. Most often this happens when a person walks along the tracks and the train “catches up” with him. Firstly, if this is a freight train, then something may start spilling out/pouring out of it. A branch or stick lying on the tracks may become stuck in the carriage section. Well, some smart guy might throw an empty bottle or other garbage from a passenger car. No one wants to get hurt, so never turn your back on the train. According to the rules, you need to move a sufficient distance, stop and wait until all the cars have passed. As far as I'm concerned, there's no need to walk along the paths at all.
And this happens - now imagine that you are walking next to a train
Always cross the railway using a bridge or marked crossing. There is no need to take risks and jump over the rails. The train weighs hundreds of tons and the driver may simply not have time to brake. And if it seems that it is not going that fast: the average speed of the train is 80 km/h, and it travels 22 meters per second. Visually, he may be far away, but very quickly he will be nearby.
Now about crossing the rails. Since this has happened, we must first look around for approaching trains. Then another “base”: you should cross the paths only at right angles, it’s faster. You need to walk like this: one foot is in the center of the track, the second is already behind it. It is absolutely forbidden to put your foot between the point and the frame rail of the switch - it could get your foot pinched.
Never do this
You should also not step on the rails: they are slippery, especially during rain or snowy weather. If you fall, you can break something or lose consciousness. If the rails lie on reinforced concrete sleepers, then the latter have a slope at the ends.
Beveled ends of reinforced concrete sleepers
After the same rain or snow, it becomes slippery and you can easily crash.
As you can see, nothing complicated. But still: cross the railway only in places specially designated for this. Take care of yourself.