10 Creatures That Can Glow in the Dark and Create a Great Light Show (13 Photos)

Yesterday, 10:00
Category: animals, 0+

While humanity had not yet mastered electricity, nature already knew how to organize enchanting light shows. And all thanks to living light bulbs - creatures with bioluminescence. Scientists know about 800 species of different animals that can glow in the dark.

Some of these creatures use this ability to attract prey, some to communicate with fellow tribesmen, and some to camouflage. But for humans, such light shows are always a spectacle.

Tiny crustaceans

No, it was not the starry sky that fell into the sea. This is just bioluminescent plankton - the barnacle crustacean Vargula hilgendorfii. It is these sea creatures that color the water a glowing blue. Most often, such a miracle can be seen in the coastal waters of Japan.


The sea and algae Noctiluca scintillans paint in a similar way. These natural lamps turn on very simply - it’s just a reaction to any stimulus.

Fungus gnats Arachnocampa

And these are just the larvae of Arachnocampa fungus gnats. The larvae glow blue-green, decorating the roofs of Australian and New Zealand caves. With this light, mosquitoes attract prey - smaller insects.


It would be unfair not to mention fireflies. There are about 2,000 species of fireflies, and all of them can put on a spectacular light show at night. But the fireflies themselves do this not for the sake of beauty, but for more everyday purposes - communication and mating.


Some jellyfish can also be considered living night lanterns. Fluorescent species include jellyfish: Aequorea victoria, Crossota and Pantachogon.


Scientists know about 70 bioluminescent species of squid. The record holder among them is the giant squid Taningia danae. This cephalopod weighed 60 kg and was 2.3 m long.


Many people have heard about anglerfish. This is a deep-sea, creepy predatory fish with a funny flashlight on its head. Scientists suggest that it is also needed to attract prey, but also serves to find a partner for mating, and simply for better orientation in the dark depths of the ocean.

Deep sea fish

But not just anglers. The depths of the sea are rich not only in terrible monsters, but also in other very beautiful luminous fish. In total, about 180 species of luminous living organisms live in the world's oceans. There are featherfishes, small glowing anchovies, and ctenophores.

Glow worms from Siberia

In 2020, scientists found something incredible in the Siberian soil... glow worms. The find was named Fridericia heliota. These babies react to external stimuli with blue-green light and can glow this way for ten minutes.


About 16 species of mushrooms can glow in the dark. That is, this sight is rare and very unusual. They usually glow with a greenish light, but occasionally blue light is also found.

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