10 animals that were on the verge of extinction, but are now not in danger (11 photos)

13 February 2025
Category: animals, 0+

There is no beast more terrible than man. However, a person can be aware of his mistakes and try to correct them.

Due to human actions, dozens of animal species are endangered. But humanity is trying to correct the situation, and some species are still being saved. For example, over the past few decades, conservationists have prevented the extinction of 21–32 bird species and 7–16 mammal species. Some of these animals are included in our selection.

Big panda

Pandas were on the brink of extinction, but in 2021 Chinese authorities declared that the species was no longer critically endangered. The pandas were saved thanks to improved living conditions and the expansion of bamboo thickets.

Pandas are still considered a vulnerable species, but China's national treasure is no longer in danger of extinction.

Puerto Rican Amazon

This bright parrot lived and thrived until in the 18th-19th centuries it was disturbed by people who began to massively cut down trees suitable for nesting. Only in the 1970s did humanity come to its senses and began to take a number of measures to protect this now rare parrot. In 2020, it became known that this species is still rare, but is no longer on the verge of extinction.

Iberian lynx

This lynx is still the rarest among wild cats. At the beginning of the last century, there were about one hundred thousand of these cats, but the species quickly began to become extinct due to the destruction of their habitat. So, in 2002, there were only ninety-four Iberian lynxes in the world. Humanity pulled itself together and began to save the lynxes. Now the Iberian lynxes are actively multiplying and have no plans to die out.

Bald Eagle

The bald eagle is an important bird. In fact, it is he who is depicted on the US coat of arms. The bird is respected, but this did not save it from a sharp decline in numbers, which is why it was on the verge of extinction. But thanks to the efforts of man, the species gradually recovered, and the status of the species was recognized as prosperous.

Brown Pelican

The smallest of the pelicans. In the 1960s, their population declined sharply due to their consumption of fish containing strong pesticides. After some pesticides were banned, these pelicans have recovered their population, but their habitat has been greatly reduced.

White oryx

White oryxes were not so lucky. They were actively hunted for their meat and skins. The species was on the verge of extinction, but thanks to environmental measures it was still preserved. White oryxes are not currently endangered, but they are considered a vulnerable species.


Yes, even such a famous animal was once on the verge of complete extinction. The common beaver was exterminated for its valuable fur. As a result, by the beginning of the 20th century, there were only 1,200 individuals in total. But thanks to measures to restore numbers, by 1998 the beaver population in Europe was already estimated at 430,000 animals. Now they are definitely not in danger of extinction.

American bison

In the USA, bison were exterminated en masse. And all for the sake of precious skins and the liberation of territory. In the 1840s, about 2 million bison were killed annually. By the end of the eighteenth century, there were less than a thousand of them left. The bison were saved by the ban on hunting and the fight against poaching. Today, the species has restored its population and is quite far from extinction.

White rhinoceros

Surprisingly, the white rhinoceros is not white at all, and is no different in color from other rhinoceroses. The name comes from a distortion of the Boer word “wijde” (broad, broad-faced), which the British converted into “white” in sound. White rhinoceroses were mercilessly exterminated. And if the northern subspecies of this animal almost disappeared, the southern subspecies restored its population and in some places of their habitat there was a whole overpopulation of these rhinoceroses.

Northern elephant seal

In the 19th century, these creatures were actively exterminated for their fat, until northern elephant seals were officially considered extinct. However, one small colony of these animals was discovered, consisting of just under a hundred animals. The colony was taken under protection, and the elephant seals began to actively restore their numbers. So active that they are now classified as species with minimal risk of extinction.

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