17 tenacious things that are not yet ready for “retirement” (18 photos)
The owners of these treasures are sure that other people may well envy them kindly.
Buying something useful to maintain your everyday life is always a pleasant idea. It’s so cool to use new appliances or kitchen utensils for the first time, appreciating their convenience and functionality. But not all modern gadgets can outshine old and proven things. New doesn't mean good! This is exactly the opinion of the heroes of our post.
They decided to share photos of their rare items on the Internet, which, despite their age, still remain functional and useful.
I still use my grandmother's 1940s egg frying pan.
US Navy pea coat, 1944 model. I washed it and it's like new
Dude looks like he's about to chase James Bond on a speedboat.
1956 plate
My almost 60 year old vacuum cleaner that still works great
Still using a 1930's pressure cooker that my family has had for 5 generations.
Waffle iron for pizzelle, Italian cookies, 70s or 80s
1800s clock
Fan from 1925. It is still in excellent condition and has never been restored.
A 1911 watch that belonged to my great uncle.
They show the time accurately, even after 112 years!
A form that is 100 years old. She is in almost perfect condition
My grandparents' working phonograph from 1923. It hasn't been turned on since World War II
Wooden furniture can last a record number of years
This cradle was used by my grandfather and his 5 brothers and sisters 115 years ago. Then my father and his 5 brothers and sisters. Then me, my two brothers and 13 of my cousins. And finally, the children of many of my cousins, and now my third child.
I inherited this 1920s toaster about 10 years ago and it has worked great all that time.
This fireplace is about 130 years old
This coffee grinder is over 117 years old
Mcdonalds mug from the 70s
Pair of Levi's jeans from 1880
Cleaner than my buddy's pair.
And in better condition than mine after a year of use.