Scientists had great success when they went in search of rare and new species of animals and plants in Suriname, a country on the northeastern coast of South America. The trip resulted in the description of 1,378 species in the highlands of Suriname, including 60 species that are new.
Let's get to know some of them.
A feast for the ants
Ants are important scavengers in nature, and in this photo they (Camponotus Sp.) are eating dead insects. This is just one of 149 species of ants found during the expedition. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):
granite mountain
This is a unique granite mountain rising 700 meters above the tropical forests. From here it is good to observe the surroundings. Scientists discovered several unusual species of animals here, including some species of water beetles that were new to science. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):
Big blue bugs
Coprophanaeus lancifer are the largest of all dung beetles in South America. Both males and females have long horns on their heads, which they use when fighting with others of the same sex. The huge difference in size is primarily determined by how much food was available to the developing larvae. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):
tree frog
The tree frog (Hypsiboas Sp.), like other amphibians, has semi-permeable skin, which makes it very sensitive to changes in the environment (climate, water availability). (Photo by Piotr Naskrecki | Conservation International):
Where was science done?
River Palumeu in Suriname. At this point it is wide and raging, but the team's base camp was much further upstream, where the Palumeu River was so narrow that the scientists could cross it on a fallen tree:
sensitive flower
This orchid (Phragmipedium lindleyanum) is one of several rare and beautiful orchid species discovered on the top of a previously unexplored mountain called Grensgebergte. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):
Lilliputian bug
The tiny midget beetle (Canthidium cf. minimum) is likely a new species to science, perhaps even a new genus. With a length of only 2.3 mm, it is the second smallest of all described beetle species in South America. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):
Carnivorous grasshopper
Although most grasshoppers are herbivores and feed on leaves, this species (Copiphora longicauda) uses its powerful, sharp jaws to hunt insects and other invertebrates. (Photo by Piotr Naskrecki | Conservation International):
The night Watch
Because many mammals are so elusive and difficult to see in the forest, scientists use automated camera traps. The camera detects the animal using an infrared sensor and releases the shutter. Of the 24 large mammal species encountered on the expedition, many were discovered using such camera traps. And this is a long-tailed cat (Leopardus wiedii). (Photo by Conservation International):
Wolf spider
Suriname is not a paradise for all living creatures. This photo, taken during one of the scientists' night walks, shows a wolf spider dining on a frog. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):
Wonderful waterfall
The region's numerous streams, rivulets, and waterfalls provide important habitat for a wide range of terrestrial and aquatic species. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):
I can see you
Beautiful tree frog (Hypsiboas geographicus). She is one of 46 species of frogs found during the scientific expedition, including six species of frogs that may be new to science. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):
colorful frog
This poison dart frog Anomaloglossus Sp. releases powerful toxins. Its poison is used by local residents during hunting. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):
Don't mess with this grasshopper
This grasshopper species (Pseudophyllinae: Teleutiini) is so strange that it actually represents a completely new genus in science. It is unusually long, lanky, and has legs covered in sharp spines that help deter predators. (Photo by Piotr Naskrecki | Conservation International):
Multicolored snake
The bright colors a la the coral snake give Erythrolamprus aesculpi protection from predators, although this snake lacks the deadly venom that real coral snakes have. This is one of 19 snakes found during the expedition. (Photo by Piotr Naskrecki | Conservation International):
I like to eat… fruits
Yes, this bat (Artibeus planirostris) eats fruit, and its sharp teeth help it grasp large fruits. (Photo by Burton Lim | Conservation International):
Playful possum
This opossum (Marmosops parvidens) is an arboreal species and feeds on insects and fruits. One of 39 species of small mammals (rats, bats, possums) discovered in the virgin forests of Suriname during the expedition. (Photo by Piotr Naskrecki | Conservation International):
In the arms of a tree
The amaranth tree (Peltogyne venosa) has massive roots that provide it with support, especially during extreme storms and floods. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):
Cloud Country
The mountains and vast untouched forests of southeastern Suriname are often shrouded in clouds. This is one of the wettest areas of the country. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):
Frog debut
This tree frog is one of six new frog species discovered by scientists in Suriname. (Photo by Stuart V Nielsen | Conservation International):
Water, water all around
A scientific camp flooded due to rain in southeastern Suriname. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):
Are you looking at me?
Neusticurus bicarinatus. This lizard is an excellent underwater swimmer. (Photo by Stuart V Nielsen | Conservation International):
Smart disguise
Many delphacid species secrete wax from their abdomen, sometimes forming long filaments of wax, as seen in this photo. Such clever camouflage can deceive a predator into attacking the wrong part of the insect. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):
Shed light on new species
This is one (Hemigrammus AFF. Ocellifer) of 11 new fish species discovered during the expedition. (Photo by Trond Larsen | Conservation International):
Long-tailed cat
Long-tailed cat (Leopardus wiedii). It looks like a smaller specimen of its related ocelot. (Photo by Brian O'Shea | Conservation International):