Greenish micromata: the same green spider from the dacha (10 photos)

Today, 10:00
Category: animals, 0+

True masters of camouflage do not need to hide in the shadows. They are great at hiding in plain sight and leaving no evidence behind. This is what the same green spider from your garden does - greenish micromata.

If you peer at the leaves for a long time, the leaves will begin to peer at you.

Micromata is the only representative of the hunting spider family. But spiders live up to their English nickname to the fullest: they do not weave webs. Hunters wait for their prey in ambush and catch it with their own paws.

It looks gigantic in the photos of the micromat. It's actually the size of a fingernail!

Mikromata often hangs out at dachas and gardens - such a lover of fresh air. The grass spider is very tiny - its size is no more than 1.5 centimeters in females and 1 centimeter in males. But this is not the only reason for invisibility. A special color helps the elusive micromat remain. The spider loves green so much that it even lays eggs of the same color.

Females and males differ not only in size, but also in color. If you probably noticed the male right away (he has a reddish-yellow belly), then the female may not have even been recognized at first, because she is completely green!

The secret lies in the hemolymph of the spider itself. Or rather, in a specific substance - micromatabilin. Sounds similar to the name of our green friend, don’t you think? And not by chance. This substance is found only in the hemolymph of micromats. This biological pigment belongs to the group of bilans - bile pigments. Their peculiarity is that they can have completely different colors - it all depends on the biochemical processes occurring in the host’s body.

This spider has an overdose of bilan! He thinks that the impossible is possible!

Bilan molecules can disintegrate, react and form bonds between themselves and other substances. This allows them to easily convey a whole range of colors. In our body, bilan is converted into bilirubin. This is the substance that turns the bruise yellow as it heals. And Bilan colors the micromat green.

Green grasshoppers no longer sit on the grass. I ate them all.

The micromat itself does not know how complex its adaptation mechanism is - it simply lives its own life and enjoys every new day. As expected, the grass spider can often be found in grass and bushes. This is a fast, elusive and invisible predator that eats any cockroach insect suitable for a meal. Including their own relatives. At the same time, eating the flesh of other micromats is a pleasant aperitif. In the literal sense of the word: after eating their own kind, green spiders’ appetite increases.

Man, were you bothered by an annoying fly? I caught it especially for you! She won't bother you anymore!

There are no trapping webs with his victims to be found - as we remember, he leaves no traces and does not weave nets. He doesn’t need it: the grass spider literally disappears into the greenery. He is so unafraid of getting burned that he hunts in the middle of the day! Despite the fact that most eight-legged relatives prefer to get out of their shelters after sunset.

Every woman is painted with flowers. Even if this woman is a spider.

Micromats are convinced loners, and only the call of the flesh can force them to leave their comfort zone. But this does not mean that males will waste time on courtship. No. The motto of married life is micromat - seize the moment. The gentleman watches for any lady in the same way as for his victims.

- Honey, I don’t feel anything! - It's okay, I anesthetized you.

As soon as the female is within jumping distance of the male, he jumps on top of her and clamps the poor thing’s abdomen with his jaws. Needless to say, this is a traumatic experience in every sense? Apparently, the male does not hesitate to inject a little poison, because the female remains in a stupor until the very end of mating. And just for a minute, it can take up to 6 hours! Having done the job, the male runs away, leaving the female to deal with the consequences. True, he will not live long after this.

Seryozha, where is our alimony?!

But the female begins to build a shelter from leaves glued together with cobwebs. She lays her eggs in a specially woven cocoon. If necessary, mommy even moves the cocoon with clutch to another place, taking care of its safety. But as soon as the first baby paws appear, the spider goes off to buy bread after her lover, leaving a couple of dozen spiderlings to fend for themselves. The kids are in no hurry to grow up - they will reach puberty only after a year and a half.

My favorite bag of gummies! I will not give it to anyone!

Thanks to its excellent camouflage and masterful hunting, the micromata conquered the entire Old World: from Eurasia to North Africa. This spider does not pose a danger to humans - it is not even capable of biting through skin. But the pests in your garden will shy away from every rustle.

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