A selection of photographs of cats and cats that are impressive in size.
We are accustomed to the fact that dogs of different breeds are very different from each other. Cats do not have this feature, and few cat breeds stand out from other representatives of the cat family. However, Maine Coons are the exception to the rule. They are easy to distinguish from other breeds due to their outstanding size. To the surprise of the owners, in a few months a small squeaking lump can grow into a huge, furry, purring beast.
I can't bear my own burden
My cat compared to my husband
Don't be alarmed, but it seems that there is a lion lying on your husband.
Look, Jade. Everything that the light falls on is our kingdom
Please tell me your cat's name is Mufasa.
The difference between the photos is a year
Sleeping giant
Looks like he needs a bigger bed
Jumanji makes friends with his new veterinarian
Some strange parrot.
Furry cargo
For other cats, Maine Coons are real giants
Big girl Mochi
Requires coffee
His paws are bigger than my hands!
His name is Angel. He is 7 months old
Either he is really huge, or you are a hobbit.
Meeting Grandma
My pet lion
When I wanted a golden retriever, but my parents only allowed a cat
I won't clean this tray...
Majestic Oliver
Its muzzle is the size of its owner's head
Best table decoration