25 bachelor stories about what changed with the appearance of a woman in the house (26 photos)

17 September 2024
Category: funny, 0+

This is not to say that men do not know how to create comfort. Many people can do it! But still, it is considered the prerogative of a woman - to restore cleanliness and order, hang pictures, lay out soft pillows and light fragrant candles... A question was asked on the Reddit forum: “Guys, you lived alone, and then a woman moved in with you. What was the “female touch”? - and here are some funny and honest answers.

1. “She replaced my cardboard box with a coffee table. Without any special need"

2. “Now it’s clear that I should have photographs of my loved ones at home. Who would have known?

3. “She stopped me from burning down the apartment by removing a pile of lint the size of an entire stuffed toy from my dryer. I didn’t know anything about it at all.”

4. “Now there are a million bottles of shampoo in the bathroom. And in the kitchen there are a million jars of seasonings."

5. “She planted a raised flower bed in the backyard and planted a nice little vegetable garden.”

6. “My once pristine white walls suddenly had paintings on them. A rug grew at the front door...”

“...A wicker basket with cheesy writing on the inside lining appeared in the bathroom. “Home is where the heart is” and other similar wonderful sayings. There are now long strands of hair on the shower walls, which I'm guessing are also decorative. The drain needs regular cleaning as it is also full of long hair.

The kitchen is always clean and I have 12 different glasses for all kinds of drinks. And 8 cups for variations of coffee and soups. All the postcards we received hang on the refrigerator. Since she moved in with me, there have been a lot of them. I didn’t receive anything before her.”

7. “One day I came home from work. She cooked an amazing dinner. And a salad with strawberries. Strawberries, you know? The game was played. We've been married for nine years and she still does everything at the same level."

8. “She changed the sheets. It’s like I have Buckingham Palace here.”

9. “My house is damn simple. When my ex lived here, it looked like a real home. Decor, rugs, etc. It was 10 times better! She took it all when she left, and I never got around to trying and decorating everything again.”

10. “Warmth and happiness, the lack of which I did not even suspect in my life, and did not know how to develop them. And also works of art, stylish glassware, refrigerator organization, several sets of sheets..."

“The list goes on. A million little touches that create a happy home.”

11. “What has changed? I could no longer store my motorcycle in the living room and my tools and parts in the kitchen cabinets."

“There are glasses of water everywhere, the bathroom is a disaster, there is a cat, a dog and a four year old running around (the latter is half my fault). It's worth it, she's the best thing that ever happened to me."

12. “They always give her vanilla candles, and now this house always smells like a bakery, and damn, I love it.”

13. “Paintings, curtains, pillows. Small tables to place drinks on. Coasters! So many things, God bless her."

14. “I slept for 5 years on a mattress on the floor - well, it seemed normal. She bought a bed frame. I married her"

15. “Different sizes of tea cups. I used to just brew tea in a 1L ceramic beer mug.”

16. “My house was empty, terrible feng shui, zero decorations and plants, dust, the bed was never made...”

“Now endless candles. New kitchen utensils that I had never seen before in my life and that I didn’t know how to use. A roll of toilet paper that used to last me years now lasts me months. I eat healthier, drink less, go on nice trips more. Overall significant improvements with minor drawbacks. I recommend it with a rating of 9/10.”

17. “Towels. We have shower towels, hair drying towels, bathroom towels, kitchen hand towels and some mouth towels, as well as a variety of cleaning towels."

“Never attempt to dry your hands with an unsuitable kitchen towel or wipe up a spill with an unsuitable towel.”

18. “My dirty refrigerator turned into a very clean and organized one.”

19. “In our house now, without exaggeration, we have 15 coffee tables. There are four more in the attic, just in case."

20. “Lotions for different occasions and different seasons. And by the way, they are not very cheap."

21. “Tiny socks everywhere. We broke up 7 years ago, and I still find her sock from time to time in some forgotten corner of the house.”

“For those who say that I simply didn’t do a thorough cleaning, some clarification. After she moved out, I gave away or sold most of my stuff to start over and realized I only needed half the house. The bedrooms and family room in the basement are basically just a storage room that I can literally go into twice a year, and I haven't been in either bedroom in about 3 years. In the rooms I go into, I sometimes come across these tiny socks that were mistakenly thrown into a bag with something I really need."

22. “Pillows... A whole mountain of pillows!”

23. “A lot of plush toys moved with her, some of them now sleep on our bed.”

24. “Plants. It was zero, it became six. My home has become hospitable. The bedroom now looks like a person lives in it, and not a bear just using it to hibernate."

25. “She completely refurbished the sleeping area - new mattress, pillows, bedding and everything. Now it feels like you’re sleeping on a cloud!”

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