25 alarming facts about the world around us (25 photos)

17 September 2024
Category: nature, 0+

The world is beautiful, but if you look closely, you will definitely notice something frightening. Whether it's spiders, lightning or socially dangerous elements, everyone has their own fears. An interesting question was asked on the Reddit forum: “What is the most disturbing fact you know?” Users left almost 10,000 replies! Here are the most interesting ones.

1. Someone traffics people, and then returns to his family and lives in much more comfortable conditions than some of us.

2. The last ten years have been the hottest on record.

3. Bacteria can evolve and become resistant to antibiotics, the drugs we use to treat bacterial infections.

Overuse and misuse of antibiotics can speed up this process. According to the World Health Organization, antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health. In the future, simple infections may once again become deadly.

4. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is inherited and can occur in a latent form for more than 50 years

Manifested by dementia, epileptic seizures, symptoms of cerebellar damage and visual impairment. There is no cure for this deadly disease.

5. Brain aneurysms usually have no symptoms and can be fatal if they rupture.

5. There are hundreds of serial killers in America whose identities have not been established.

6. The US Armed Forces Lost Several Nuclear Weapons

We are talking about several cases with ammunition, after which fewer warheads began to appear in the reports.

7. Blueberry caterpillars can deceive ants

To do this, they learned to imitate the pheromones and acoustic signals of the queen ant. The insects bring the caterpillar to the nest, where it devours all the larvae. Research has shown that the caterpillar determines which larva will become the next queen and eats it first.

8. Young people also get dementia.

10. 50-70% of people do not have an internal monologue (voice).

11. Melting permafrost in Siberia threatens to revive prehistoric diseases

12. Naegleria fowlera - a parasite that lives in freshwater bodies

The amoeba enters a person through the nose and reaches the brain, where it begins to devour tissue.

13. Sudden infant death syndrome - unexplained death of a child aged 14 days to 1 year

14. There is a high probability that you have already met at least one murderer in your life.

15. As a result of an explosion at a nuclear power plant, 35-year-old Hisashi Ouchi received a lethal dose of radiation and fell into the hands of cynical doctors who prolonged his agony for 83 days by experimenting with treatment

16. According to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) standards, 100 g of chocolate can contain up to 60 insect fragments

17. Scurvy in late stages leads to the opening of old scars because due to a lack of vitamin C, collagen synthesis is reduced.

18. Hearing is the last feeling that leaves a person when he dies

19. Some scientists consider flies the most dangerous of all animals due to the fact that they easily spread diseases.

20. Yellowstone National Park is a massive volcanic caldera whose eruption will lead to the extinction of humanity

21. More bacteria live in our body and on its surface than human cells.

22. Restoring the energy system on Earth after a powerful solar storm will take from several months to several years

23. There are planets that do not revolve around a star. They're called rogue planets

If such a planet wanders into the solar system and approaches the Earth, it will displace it from orbit.

24. The last execution by beheading by guillotine occurred in France on September 10, 1977

25. As part of Operation Northwoods, the CIA proposed carrying out terrorist attacks on US soil in order to blame Fidel Castro and prepare society for an armed invasion of Cuba.

However, Kennedy did not approve of this project.

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