Very strange religions that actually exist (11 photos)

31 August 2024
Category: religion, 0+

Today, the main and most widespread beliefs of people can be called Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) and Buddhism. There are also numerous currents, branches and sects based on these religions, of which there are so many that it is not easy to list them. And we invite you to get acquainted with the strangest beliefs, many of which look like someone’s joke (that got out of control). Some managed to become quite popular, while others were rarely heard of. Well, let's take a look at these unusual teachings.


Yes, yes, you understand everything correctly. Jediism is a religious movement based on the ideas of George Lucas, who gave us the epic Star Wars. A Jedi is a person who believes in the existence of a Great Power. The Jedi teachings consist of five Truths:

1. There are no emotions - there is peace.

2. There is no ignorance - there is knowledge.

3. There is no passion - there is serenity.

4. There is no chaos - there is harmony.

5. There is no death - there are Powers.

The picture on the right shows the symbol of the Church of Jediism.


One of the most controversial religious movements that was founded in the 1950s in the United States. Its principles are based on the works of science fiction writer Lafayette Ronald Hubbard. Representatives of the church believe that man is a spiritual being who lives more than one earthly life and is capable of gaining eternal life through reincarnation. The religion has quite a lot of followers (it is believed that there are about 10 million of them). Among the church's admirers are also popular celebrities, such as Tom Cruise and John Travolta.

Prince Philip movement

An unusual religious movement that exists only on the island of Tanna in Vanuatu (a country in Melanesia). It is practiced by the Yaohnanen tribe. Members of the movement believe that Prince Philip, the husband of Elizabeth II, is a divine being. How and under what circumstances this religion originated is unknown.


The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is not a fiction, but a real religious movement. His followers believe in a flying deity who created the universe after being heavily intoxicated. This unusual church was founded by physicist Bobby Henderson as a sign of protest against the Kansas State Department’s decision to teach the concept of “Intelligent Design” in schools instead of evolutionary teaching.

The church has its own symbol, shown in the image on the right, as well as its own commandments and holidays. Religion has another rather important attribute - a colander, which followers love to wear on their heads.


Modern Druidry is a religious movement whose main mission is to preach respect for nature and all peoples of the world. Druids worship natural deities, nature spirits, and visit places of power. Today they are represented in 34 countries of the world.

Haitian voodoo

The modern teaching of Voodoo, a traditional belief of the African diaspora, is a mixture of African and Christian traditions. His followers actively practice healing with herbs and spells. They tell fortunes, fall into trances and communicate with spirits.

Church of Maradona

The church named after the famous football player was founded in 1998 by three devoted fans. Today the number of followers of this religious movement is more than 100 thousand people. By the way, Lionel Messi is an honorary member of this church.

There is an altar near which parishioners pray (Diego’s autobiography), and everything necessary for a church service. If desired, you can order a baptism or wedding here.


Close friend of Scientology. This is the second most popular religion associated with UFO-themes. Raëlism was founded in 1974 by French journalist and former racing driver Claude Vorilon. According to this teaching, the world was created by aliens (including humans). Followers of the religion worship science and promote the idea of ​​cloning people to achieve immortality.

One should not be surprised by the presence of a swastika in the symbol of Raelism. A similar design was (and continues to be) used in many religious movements. Moreover, among the Raelists it has nothing to do with fascism.

The Raelian movement has been repeatedly accused by anti-cult organizations for using the swastika, which is why they even had to temporarily change their symbol.

Biker Church

This church professes Christianity, however they have their own Bible and commandments. The work of a religious organization is based on mutual assistance to others.

Pana Wave

A Japanese religious movement founded in 1977 by a woman named Yuko Chino (photo left). It combines components of Christianity, Buddhism and modern religious movements. The main feature of religion lies in their relationship to electromagnetic waves. Followers are convinced that they are incredibly dangerous and capable of destroying everything around them. This is the reason why they dress in white. Members of the organization are confident that only white color can protect them from the harmful effects of waves.


This is an Indian religious and philosophical teaching in which people renounce all earthly interests and preach the importance of not causing harm to all living things. Followers of the movement live very modestly; they wear special gauze bandages and filter their drinking water so as not to accidentally swallow some bug. They also carry small soft brooms with them, which they use to sweep the road before walking along it.

Today there are more than 8 million followers of Jainism in India.

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