5 diseases in which our immune system begins to damage itself (6 photos)

23 August 2024
Category: health, terrible, 16+

Unfortunately, nothing good can be expected in such cases.

Ankylosing spondylitis

Healthy human tissues and organs are destroyed, namely the articular connection between the spine and pelvis and the spine itself. All this is also accompanied by wild pain. Ultimately, the patient will experience complete immobilization. The main method of treatment today is therapy, which relieves pain, but, unfortunately, is not able to stop the development of the disease.

Sjögren's syndrome

The disease affects the exocrine glands, mainly the salivary and lacrimal glands. When the salivary glands are affected, dry mouth and enlargement of the salivary glands are felt. In about a third of patients, a gradual enlargement of the parotid glands is observed, which leads to a change in the oval of the face, described in the literature as a “hamster face” or “chipmunk face”. Damage to the lacrimal glands is accompanied by inflammation of the sclera and conjunctiva. Patients complain of burning and pain in the eyes.

To date, no treatment option has demonstrated effectiveness in preventing the development of Sjögren's syndrome - all existing therapy only helps in eliminating symptoms.

Rheumatoid arthritis

The disease progresses most rapidly during the first 6 years, especially in the 1st year; In 80% of patients, irreversible joint changes develop within 10 years.

Joint symptoms include pain, swelling and stiffness. Symmetry of joint damage is characteristic. Stiffness usually occurs in the morning after waking up and lasts more than 60 minutes, but can also occur after a long period of rest (the so-called “gel phenomenon”). The affected joints become painful, with hyperemia, swelling and increased temperature of the tissues over the joints, and limited mobility.

The course of the disease in individual patients is unpredictable.

Systemic lupus erythematosus

The disease mainly affects young women. Lupus erythematosus got its name due to the similarity of skin manifestations to wolf bites. At first, a person feels unwell and his temperature often rises. Then other signs of the disease appear - skin rashes, joint pain, enlarged lymph nodes, malfunctions of the heart, kidneys, lungs, and nervous system. In this case, periods of exacerbation may alternate with remissions.

It has been proven that replenishing vitamin D deficiency in some cases can reduce the risk of developing lupus in patients with a family history and identified characteristic autoantibodies.


It is a fairly rare disease that affects 2 to 7 people per 100 thousand population. In 90% of cases, the pathology affects the lungs and lymph nodes (usually intrathoracic). The skin, eyes, spleen, liver, and bone structures are slightly less likely to be affected. Often, up to a certain point, the disease is asymptomatic, and it can only be detected through examination.

Therapy for sarcoidosis is aimed at reducing the activity of the inflammatory process, preventing the progression of the disease and the proliferation of fibrous connective tissue.

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