The most ridiculous robberies of the last 20 years (11 photos)

21 August 2024
Category: miscellaneous, 0+

Robbers usually carefully prepare for their crimes, trying to think through and calculate all the moments in which they might get caught. But not all. And sometimes, due to an absurd accident, everything goes to waste.

The police are not always so lucky, but in this post you can see what situations criminals sometimes drive themselves into. And this can cause nothing but laughter.

Fashionable verdict

On May 2, 2005, a young man from Bedford, England, robbed a clothing store. The very next day he dressed up in stolen clothes and went for a walk in the city center. He was so confident (or stupid) that he made his way right past the window of the robbed store.

The owner was extremely indignant both at the arrogance of the young man and at the tastelessness with which he put on the things - they did not fit together at all. And on the T-shirt it said “Criminal” in big letters. The store owner ran outside and immediately called the police. The fashionista was arrested.

Bon appetit

On 18 December 2005, a passing patrol in Bloemfontein saw an attempted armed robbery of a passerby. The criminal had to run away and during the chase he ended up in front of a high concrete wall. Adrenaline helped him climb onto it and he happily jumped down. But on the other side of the wall they were already waiting for him: two Bengal tigers from the local zoo were awakened by the stomping and noise of an unlucky robber. They disdained to eat it, but tore it into pieces and left this still life in the center of their enclosure, so that the next morning the zoo staff would rejoice at such happiness.

Women's secrets

In Romania, on April 10, 2005, Roxandra Guardian was detained. In a supermarket, a woman stole a customer's phone; another customer saw this and immediately called the police. The Guardian was subjected to a thorough search, but the phone was never found. The police were about to let the thief go, but that same attentive witness suggested dialing the phone. The call came barely audible and from somewhere in Roxandra’s abdomen.

Yes, she managed to hide the phone in her vagina. After the discovery of the mobile phone, the owner flatly refused to take it back.

Too Fat Santa

Matthew Allen tried to break into a very rich house in Brawley. He decided to climb into it through the chimney, in which, in fact, he got stuck. And without his pants, which he managed to take off and start waving them around so that the motion sensors would activate. By the time he succeeded, he had been stuck in the chimney for a day and the only thing he dreamed of was for the police to come and pull him out of the damned chimney. The police arrived, found no signs of a break-in and left.

Matthew began to scream so loudly that the neighbors asked the security guards of the complex to open the house, because they were already tired of listening to the howl of the inconsolable robber.

Fighting old lady

Photo by Betty Horton

When 75-year-old Betty Horton of Salt Lake City had her wallet snatched from her hands by a robber, she did not scream helplessly. She rushed after him across the supermarket parking lot, took the loot, grabbed the man and after that began calling for help.

The discouraged robber immediately repented of his action and explained that extreme need forced him to rob Betty. The old woman could not resist such a pitiful story and let the man go, giving him three bucks for food. What a beauty these grandmothers are!

Steal a tram? Easily!

Since childhood, the Melbourne resident raised questions from his parents because he fanatically adored trams. He could sit in it for hours, riding along the route and studying through the glass the work of the carriage driver. When the boy reached adolescence, he was regularly caught in the depot.

But one day his persistence helped him get into the driver’s cabin and he... stole the tram. The happy guy drove around the city and was caught only half an hour later, when he slowed down at a bus stop for passengers to board the vehicle.

The runner didn't catch up

Doina Melinte

Doina Melinte, a Romanian runner, was awarded an Olympic gold medal in the 800 meters in 1984.

And in 2006, when she was already 49 years old, she was walking down the street when three teenagers snatched her purse from her hands and let her run away. Doina ran after the thieves for about a kilometer and sporting achievements are nothing if you are almost fifty years old. Youth won this race, the prize for which was 30 thousand dollars... That’s how much was in the runner’s bag, because she was going to buy herself a plot of land.

There can never be too many pies

A Chinese man from Changchun broke into a candy store armed with a knife to carry out a robbery for the first time in his life. He scared the candy store staff so much that they froze, raising their hands, as the robber ordered.

He was a little stunned by such success and, confused, grabbed two pies and ran away. The owner decided not to call the police, since the store's losses were negligible. But the thief returned half an hour later and tried to take the pies again. After he ran away with the next portion, the owner still called the police and for good reason. The very hungry Chinese did not hesitate to return a third time to pick up baked goods, so to speak, in reserve.

New Year's miracle

On the eve of Christmas in Germany, police officers received a very unusual gift. It was decided to hold a corporate police event in one of the Berlin beer halls. And so, going out to smoke, one of the people celebrating discovered that a pickpocket was rummaging through his pockets in the wardrobe.

Tipsy and joyful police officers, 35 in number, rushed into the dressing room and the thief, seeing such a crowd of heated law enforcement officers, wisely decided not to resist.

And after the thief was brought to the station, it turned out that they had been looking for him for a long time, and for more serious crimes. A wonderful gift!

Debauchery at work

The dog Zulu was a responsible guard at the Segalin agricultural products factory in Santa Maria and “worked” in his place for quite a long time.

And then, one morning, the factory secretary was horrified to see the doors and the cash register broken into, from which more than 10 thousand dollars had been stolen. There was no point in punishing Zulu: the dog, crazy with happiness, was in the yard cuddling a pretty dog ​​girl in heat. It became clear from the cameras that the robbers had brought the girl with them and slipped it to poor Zulu to distract him.

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