Semyon Gendlin is a fraudster who has earned the title of virtuoso (5 photos)

21 August 2024
Category: story, 0+

The boy was born in 1939 into an intelligent family. Parents, researchers, were confident that Semyon would become a worthy successor to their dynasty. But something went wrong.

The boy surprised his father and mother already in his teens: he ran away from home, having previously stolen a substantial amount of money from his stash, to Tashkent. Where he gave himself a false name and ended up in an orphanage, declaring that his parents died in the war.

Among children from the lower strata, he quickly became the best. And, apparently, he immersed himself in this special feeling of being head and shoulders above others. However, the half-starved existence quickly became boring. And the boy wrote a letter full of remorse to his family and returned home.

Then there was evening school, work at a factory and the army. After his service, Gendlin did not want to return to the plant. Who needs low wages and lack of respect from others?

In the 60s, interest in a still rare direction - the physicist scientist - intensified. In the scientific community they are starting to talk about a promising direction for science and the country - computers. And Semyon understands that this is what is needed.


Actor Nodar Dzhanelidze as Gendlin in the TV series "Dangerous Leningrad" (2010)

Semyon Lvovich came to the Kharkov Institute of Medical Radiology and stated that he was studying at the Faculty of Physics at Moscow State University. And getting a diploma is just around the corner. Strangely enough, they believed the guy. And to confirm his words, he brought a notarized copy of the diploma to the personnel department. Naturally, fake. A few years later, the young scientist’s personal file was supplemented with a copy of his PhD diploma.

Naturally, the salary, as well as the status, grew. And the man announced that he was starting work on his doctorate. True, the Committee on Inventions and Discoveries, to which a promising employee regularly sent his ideas, rejected all of them. Due to the fact that these were just sketches and theses that did not have scientific support.

When the commission arrived at the plant, the employee presented the fruit of his labors - a black box with a single connector that was not connected anywhere. And he left, citing total employment. And here luck smiled on the pseudoscientist. But Gendlin realized that it was time to think about changing jobs: sooner or later the secret black box would be required to be opened.

Using connections and recommendations, he moved to the Leningrad Institute of Instrument Engineering and took the position of head of the laboratory. The man continued his secret developments, telling his subordinates that he was working on creating a unique storage device that worked on a special crystal. Opening the box is strictly prohibited - light can destroy the crystal.

A few years later, the HR department received a doctorate degree. Naturally, it's fake again. But the pseudo-cyberneticist’s salary has really grown and has already amounted to 3 dollars.

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It's time to think about changing jobs. After all, apart from the mysterious and completely useless box, he could not provide any results of his work. And Semyon entered two prestigious institutions at once. There was even more money. Plus, for trips to symposia, the “inventor”, who had read only two books on the topic - “Popular Physical Encyclopedia” and “Physics of Solid State”, received travel allowances.

Perhaps the talented swindler would have retired, keeping the secret. But everything was ruined by his greed. Gendlin tried to get a job in another institution to gain access to secret documents. But the research institute had a strict check. And the truth came out.

Why does a genius need a diploma?

The man was detained. During interrogations, he furiously shouted that true geniuses do not need any diplomas. These are just pieces of paper. Investigative authorities found no signs of secret inventions. But Gendlin said that he destroyed everything so that the information would not fall into the hands of the general public or the enemy.

The logical result was a sentence of 10 years in prison. After serving his sentence, he returned to his previous lifestyle and again received a sentence for fraud.

Having been freed, the man went to the States and founded the company Compu-technics. Periodically, publications appear in the press that Shimon Gendlin will soon release a unique quantum computer.

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