Cats who did the impossible to get home (7 photos)

5 August 2024
Category: animals, 0+

Stories about Hachiko, the shepherd Palma and other dogs faithfully waiting for their owners are very popular. There is also a well-known theory that dogs become attached to a person, and cats to a place. But, as with everything, the theory has its exceptions.

The nature of domestic animals, on the one hand, seems to have been studied thoroughly, and on the other hand, history knows cases when an animal behaves completely unpredictably and does not correspond to the parameters that scientists have given it.

Semyon the cat is not very popular, but his actions deserve respect. Sinishina's kitten was found in one of the Murmansk yards in 1985 and they decided to keep it for themselves.

In 1987, the Siamese cat Semyon got lost at one of the capital's stops when the Sinishin family was returning by car with him from vacation. The family honestly searched for their pet, but to no avail and they no longer hoped to see Semyon. Over time, a cat Kuzya appeared in the family, but the family never forgot about Semyon.

Six years passed and the doorbell rang. The Sinishins saw their neighbor on the threshold, holding a mangy cat in her arms, with skinned paws, frostbitten ears and festering eyes. At first they didn’t even recognize their pet, thinking that some stray local cat had accidentally come to them. And only after taking the cat in their arms and washing it from dust and dirt, they realized that their Semyon had returned, who confidently walked through the apartment to where his bowl of food always stood. He walked thousands of kilometers to return to his family, and one can only imagine what the cat had to endure on the way home.

Alevtina Sinishina near the monument with a newspaper where they told the story of Semyon

The shocked Sinishins did not hide the wonderful story of their pet, and within a few days the whole of Murmansk was discussing the heroic act of the cat. Local journalist Dmitry Kachalov even suggested erecting a small monument dedicated to the cat Semyon.

A plump cat, not very similar to the road-weary Semyon, decorated the Semenovskoe Lake park in Murmansk.

They say this story is just an urban legend. But this could actually happen, because there are also cases when cats magically returned home.

Red Garfield

Neil and Lisa with their faithful Garfield

A married couple from Great Britain, Neil Payne and Lisa, lived in the village of Shillington. Their children grew up, moved away from their father's house, and the couple decided that, along with the children, it was time for three-year-old Garfield to leave their home. It is unknown what caused it, but the cat found new owners in north London. But not for long. Pretty soon he ran away from his new owners and they could not find him anywhere.

Seven weeks passed and Garfield appeared on the porch of his former home. He sat down on the threshold and humbly waited for Neil or Lisa to come out to let him back in. Neil opened the door and saw a ginger cat who was "crying and looking at him pitifully." He didn’t even recognize Garfield at first, who had become very thin and dirty after a couple of months of wandering around England. Lisa followed her husband out, called the cat’s name, and he immediately jumped into her arms. The woman could not hold back her tears.

After such an act, the Paynes could not give up the cat, which had traveled 64 km to its former home. And it’s unlikely that they would have succeeded; most likely Garfield would have returned to them again.

Persian cat Sugar

Photo example of a cat

Cats that are allowed out for walks rarely move further than one kilometer from home.

However, this cat loved his owners very much. Sugar's owners lived in California and at some point they had to move to Oklahoma. And somewhere along the way the cat disappeared. His owners assumed that Sugar had jumped out along the road during a stop at a gas station, but by the time he was discovered missing, several hours had already passed and they decided not to return. Unfortunately, they did not look for their pet.

14 months had passed since the family moved to Oklahoma when a rather shabby but cheerful Persian cat, Sugar, climbed into the kitchen window. It is still unclear how he managed to find his family, because Sugar had never been to Oklahoma.

Yakut cat Kuzya

The Efremov family lived in the village of Olenek (Yakutsk region). At some point, they decided to move to the city of Yakutsk and Kuzya, obviously, was not happy with such changes. And so much so that he decided to run away. The Efremovs honestly searched for their pet, but his trace disappeared.

Three months later, the family went on some business to Olenek and it was there, on the threshold of their old house, that they found Kuzya. He covered about 2000 km and looked absolutely terrible - thin, worn out claws, the fur had completely come out in some places. This is the same case when the cat got used to the place.

Suika's cat survived the disaster

In 2011, on March 11, a terrible nine-magnitude earthquake occurred in Japan. It led to a tsunami and an accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. One of the most devastating impacts hit Iwate Prefecture, when waves 40.5 meters high swept away absolutely everything. Among the thousands of victims of this tragedy, the cat of an elderly couple, Takeo and Kazuko Yamagas Suika, also disappeared. Takeo and Kazuka were crushed not only by the fact that all their property was lost under water, but also by the disappearance of their pet. They adored Suik, he was dearer to them than all other things, but how could they find a cat under the rubble of an almost completely destroyed city.

And only three years later, their new home received a call from tourists who, while walking through the forest, discovered a black cat in it. They were able to lure the feral cat with pieces of fish and an address card with a phone number was found on the animal’s neck.

Takeo and Kazuko could not believe that their Suika could survive the terrible tsunami and not die of hunger, but their pet turned out to be strong and brave enough to return to his owners.

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