12 dangerous foods that are still popular (13 photos)

13 August 2024
Category: food, 0+

Risk is a noble thing. But is it worth risking your own health and even life when it comes, for example, to eating some unusual food? A dubious and completely dishonest choice.

However, some people are convinced that for the sake of a tasty treat, they can up the ante. The main thing is to approach such a meal more responsibly (check everything a million times and make sure the cook is conscientious). In many countries there are such specific delicacies that only the most spoiled and daring gourmet would dare to try. Let's see what they look like.

Hakarl (Iceland)

Haukarl is an ancient national dish of the Vikings, which has not only an unpleasant smell, but also taste. It is prepared from Greenland shark meat, which itself is quite toxic. Therefore, it is extremely important to prepare the delicacy correctly.

The shark carcass is immersed in a sand pit for several weeks and pressed down with stones. Fermentation carried out in this way allows you to get rid of toxins. Then the meat needs to be dried well. The finished dish has a smell reminiscent of blue cheese mixed with ammonia.

Tapioca (Thailand)

Tapioca is often added to various desserts and drinks. It is a starchy product that is extracted from the roots of the cassava plant. Improper processing of tapioca can subsequently harm human health. The substance contains cyanide, which can cause poisoning, amblyopia, various pathologies of the nervous system and even diabetes.

Cheese Casu Marzu (Italy)

This cheese is for true connoisseurs of the exotic. It is prepared using the larvae of a special cheese fly, which help the product ripen and ferment. By the way, ready-made cheese is consumed together with live insects. This is a kind of additive.

Blood clams (China)

These shellfish are grown and eaten in many countries. However, a number of states have banned the import of this product. And all because of the increased risk of contracting hepatitis A from spoiled shellfish.

Fried tarantula a-ping (Cambodia)

The cook needs to be as vigilant as possible, since the fangs of this spider contain strong poison. If prepared unprofessionally, such a dish can easily lead to death.

Chili pepper (Mexico and many other countries)

Super hot varieties of chili peppers can lead to allergies and respiratory failure. In some cases, it even causes heart problems.

Jellyfish Nomura (China, Japan)

Many types of jellyfish are easily eaten by people. Among them is the Nomura jellyfish. During its preparation, the cook needs to eliminate all areas containing poison. It includes 200 toxins, each of which can affect specific organs and cause serious harm to the body.

Ackee apple

The fruits of Jamaica's national fruit should not be eaten until they are ripe and open. If a person eats an unripe fruit, he is at risk of hypoglycine poisoning. Only the pulp can be eaten - the black seeds and peel are thrown away.

Fesikh (Egypt)

This is a special delicacy that is fermented mullet. This strange delicacy is thousands of years old, but its recipe has remained virtually unchanged. The fish is first dried in the sun and then filled with a special salt solution. An improperly prepared dish can cause severe damage to the nervous system, paralysis and even death.

Elderberry (Asia, Europe, Transcaucasia)

Many people make jams and syrups from elderberries. However, unripe berries may contain cyanogenic glycosides, which, when entering the human body, are converted into hydrocyanic acid. This in turn causes serious symptoms of poisoning.

Pangium edible (Malaysia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea)

It is a poisonous fruit that is made edible by fermentation. It contains a large amount of cyanide, so eating it in its raw form is harmful to humans.

Cashew (Vietnam)

This familiar nut should absolutely not be consumed raw, because it contains urushiol, an oily toxin. Cashews sold in stores are pre-treated with steam. Therefore it is completely safe.

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