Fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm that are contraindicated for children (8 photos)

29 July 2024
Category: story, 0+

The brothers, who became one of the most famous storytellers, were famous for their exciting stories. But they were often rewritten in order to somewhat soften the harshness that was in the original.

The brothers, by the way, were called Jacob and Wilhelm, and they were mainly engaged in linguistics, compiling a German dictionary and collecting not only fairy tales, but also various sayings and idiomatic expressions.

They took medieval tales as the basis for their tales, where corpses could be stacked in stacks. The brothers' work resulted in one of the most famous collections of children's fairy tales. They tried to write down the stories as they were, without softening the plot twists and dialect subtleties. Children in those days were prepared for harsh reality, and not for life in a magical world.

"Hansel and Gretel"

Everyone here is generally good.

His own father, at the behest of his evil stepmother, took his young children into the forest to die there. Cause? There is nothing to feed.

The kids are captured by an evil witch who loves to eat human flesh, and she orders Gretel to fatten Hansel up so that she can eat him later. At first you feel sorry for the children, but then it becomes clear that they are not far from their jailer: Gretel deceives the witch and pushes the old woman into the oven, where she burns alive. After which the children calmly surround the witch’s house and return to their father to live and live off this good.

The stepmother, by the way, dies suddenly and unexpectedly. The kids, apparently, got involved here too.

"The Thief in the Thorn Bush"

A certain boy was unlucky enough to get a job with a very stingy owner. For a month of almost daily work, he paid the boy only three pennies. The sad boy goes home, meets a beggar and, as usually happens, gives him all his pennies. The beggar did not remain in debt and gave the generous boy a pipe, which if you just play, everyone will instantly start dancing until they are completely exhausted.

A couple of days later, the main character of the fairy tale met a man who had dropped his wallet into a thorny bush. The boy was kind and reached into the thorns to get the wallet that the man gave him as a reward for his kindness and courage. Only a few days later the good man was summoned to court, where this same man accused him of theft, saying that he would never give up his money in his life.

The boy realized that he had had enough of being a jerk, took out a pipe and everyone began to dance like crazy, and he forced the accuser to dance on the thorns of the thorns. Unable to withstand the long torture, the man admitted that the boy not only did not steal anything, but that he himself stole the wallet from a passerby.

Well, as usual, what followed was the public execution of the liar.


Most likely, it was from this fairy tale that the image of the scary dwarf in horror films came from.

The king asked a certain young maiden to weave a golden thread from straw. The girl obeyed, and while she was weaving, she pricked her hands until some little man appeared and offered to help. But not for free, of course - she will have to give him her first-born when she gets married.

The golden thread was woven, and the king, who seemed to be very easy to surprise, decided to take such a craftswoman as his wife. Soon their child was born and the little man came for his reward. The girl begged him to leave her the baby and the little man said that so be it, but let the queen guess his name within three days.

On the third day, the queen no longer knew how to protect her child, but one of the kingdom’s messengers accidentally overheard a joyful little man humming a song:

Today I bake, tomorrow I brew beer,

I will take the queen’s child away;

Oh, it's good that no one knows

Why do they call me Rumpelstiltskin?

When the queen named the little man, he tore himself in half out of anger.

"The Goose Girl"

The maid, embittered by the whole world, methodically harasses the princess and, in the end, takes her clothes, horse and changes places with her. While she is posing as the owner of the castle (and for some reason everyone believes her, but let’s say), the princess is cleaning up the geese in the yard.

But the truth comes out after a few days, and what matters is how the liar was punished.

It would have been too easy to quarter the maid, so they stuffed her into a barrel with sharp nails, tied her to horses and let them gallop. It is simply impossible to survive such an execution.

Juniper tree

The queen's stepmother is incredibly jealous of her husband's stepson, because he reminds her of the king's ex-wife. My wife, by the way, died in childbirth and was simply the most wonderful woman.

The stepmother decides to treat the boy to an apple, and, as we remember, in fairy tales, taking this fruit from someone’s hands is the same as helping Buffalo Bill drag the sofa into his van. The boy bends over the chest where the apple lies and the stepmother at that moment slams the lid, thus cutting off the child’s head. Then she returns the king's head to its place, adorning his neck with a scarf to hide the scar and hold it in place.

The queen and king also had a common daughter, who in the evening accidentally touches the boy's body and his head falls off. The frightened girl rushes to her mother to tell her what a mistake she made and the ladies decided to approach the issue creatively. They make pudding (!) from the child’s body and treat it to the king in the evening.

But the boy’s soul did not just disappear; it moved into a bird, which drops a hefty stone on the queen’s head. Everything we love: human flesh for dinner, brains on the walls, complex family relationships.

"The Robber Groom"

A miller lives for himself and really wants to get his own daughter married. Finally, a groom suitable for her is found, but Melnik’s daughter intuitively understands that something is wrong with him.

The groom said that before the wedding she should meet his relatives. He kindly did not accompany the bride, but sent her alone into the thicket of the forest, pouring a path of ash so that her beloved would not get lost.

When the girl finally arrived, she saw a very joyless house, where an old woman was sitting, who promptly hid her in the cellar, covering the guest with barrels. And at that very second, robbers burst into the house with their leader in the form of the miller’s son-in-law. They had a charming girl in their arms.

The gang undresses the captive, immediately chops her body into pieces and sprinkles them generously with salt. The appetizer is excellent, really.

The frightened miller's daughter rushes in horror to her dad and tells him about her cannibal fiance. Dad finally called the people to the wedding at his house, where he told everyone the disgusting truth about the groom. The authorities executed the robber. What happened to his friends is unknown.

"Poor Boy in the Grave"

It was decided to send the poor shepherd, who was an orphan, to a rich house to be raised. But his adoptive parents, as usual, turned out to be greedy and evil: they constantly beat him and fed him almost crusts of bread.

And then, one day, the boy heard that the mistress of the house told someone that she had hidden a pot of poison under her bed. She said this on purpose, because in fact there was honey in the pot, so that no one would indulge in sweets (apparently, honey was an expensive delicacy back then).

Exhausted from living with his “parents,” the shepherd climbed under the bed and gobbled up everything that was in the pot, saying that his death was not bitter, but sweet. Then he sat down on a bench and prepared to die. But he only got a boost of energy from eating.

The boy was persistent and remembered how one peasant said that he kept fly poison in the closet. Thinking that he would definitely be lucky here, he lapped up the entire bottle, but it was not poison, but wine. Noting that this poison also tasted sweet, the boy became drunk and thought that this was death. He went to the cemetery, dug up his own grave and lay down there, falling into drunken unconsciousness.

The cold of the freshly dug earth at night and the restless sleep did their job - the child never woke up, remaining forever in the grave that he dug for himself.

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