15 photo reasons why dogs are better than cats (16 photos)

12 February 2025
Category: animals, 0+

Our world would be a sadder place if there were no dogs in it.

It’s not for nothing that they say that these four-legged beauties are called man’s most faithful friends. We are sure that with such a friend life will sparkle with new colors. And here are 15 photographic evidence of this confidence for all those who doubt it.

The start of the work week is always difficult

Life hack on how to catch a piece of the sun

When you're both scared to fly

This dog took out his favorite toy to show it to the dog in another car.

This is what an ideal job looks like

When an abusive cat lives in your house


This dog is surprised why its owner stayed at home, and now follows her through all the rooms with a perplexed look.

The dog seems to want to ask how long it will take to go

Please, call your sad bulldog

The pelican made friends with a stray dog on the pier and flies to her every day

By the way, this story has a wonderful ending: the dog was eventually adopted, and now the owner comes with him to the pier every day so as not to separate his friends.

Scientists have discovered a black hole that absorbs everything that falls on the floor

Meet Maya, a Shepherd-Golden Retriever mix: she's adorable and teddy bear-like

A house for your beloved four-legged friend

Five years ago, this man didn’t want to get a dog, but his children persuaded him. Now their father is crazy about the pet and built him a house.

This is what rescue dogs look like when they found a person under the snow during training.

This dog was bought the same chair as its owner, and she is extremely happy

Unlike the cat.

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