15 times when something went wrong with document photographs (16 photos)

1 February 2025
Category: miscellaneous, 0+

Are you satisfied with your photographs on documents? If you have ever failed in such photographs, then do not despair, because you now have another reason for a joke. And who said that photographs for documents should be as serious as possible?

There is an opinion that the facial expression in document photographs should be serious. By the way, this was not always the case: when the passport appeared, there were no rules for photography at all. Therefore, the documents could show off a man with a cigar or even a whole family.

But you must admit that bureaucratic apparatuses are full of seriousness: boring, decorously standing and frozen heroes in the photographs. What if you add some drive to these photos and liven them up a little? American schoolchildren and students are taking full advantage of this opportunity, and not only among them there are rebels.

Here's why you shouldn't sneeze while your photo is being taken

This is the way: Mandalorians don't show their faces

All the emotions from college in one photo

The reality of pictures after 2020

A New Zealand resident was allowed to take a photo in a colander: he said it was for religious reasons

This is how people greet Friday and Monday

Find ten differences

This guy on four documents looks like a different person

Grandpa went to take a photo, but got the buttons mixed up

This mustachioed man has a great thirst for knowledge

Everything here is as it should be: in the passport photo the girl is very serious

Sometimes you don't need a photo, just words are enough

The photo machine confused the design on a T-shirt with the owner's face

She was probably abducted by aliens between the first and second photos

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