10 mysterious things whose purpose you won’t immediately guess (11 photos)

17 September 2024
Category: informative, 0+

A ladder for fish, a strange iron pipe in the lake, crosses in the field and other objects whose purpose you would never guess.

Nowadays it is very easy to find out what something is used for or has been used for a long time. Some things that people accidentally discovered amazed them so much that they shared their findings on the Internet. Experienced users talked about the purpose of the finds, and this made things even more interesting. We bring to your attention 10 mysterious things whose purpose you won’t immediately guess.

Strange bag

This bag looks very unusual. If it weren't for the inscription on it, it would be difficult to guess that this is nothing more than a suitcase cover.

Glass visor

This glass visor was found in an old car. It turns out that previously the traffic lights were not duplicated, so it was difficult to navigate when standing first in the column at the intersection. The light from the traffic light entered the device, and the driver understood when to move away.

Yellow box

Any volunteer can collect garbage in such boxes during low tide.

Fish ladder

This system of rapids near the waterfall is also called a fish ladder because fish can climb up the rapids.

Mysterious room

Such booths are often found near railway tracks. There used to be a telephone inside, but now they are empty.

Portable table

Some hiking bags have a hard plate inside. Turns out it's a portable picnic table.

Iron pipe

This pipe is located in the middle of the lake, and everyone thought that it was needed to secure the boat with a cable. It turns out that this pipe is a place where waterfowl can build a nest.

Crosses in the field

A man noticed several large crosses in a vacant lot near his house. They are needed so that the dimensions of the site can be measured as accurately as possible from the air.

Holes on straps

Some backpacks have similar holes on the straps. They are used to secure trekking poles.

Jumping protection

Crossing the road in the wrong place is life-threatening. It is extremely inconvenient to cross the railway on such plates.

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