Shy model who starred for Playboy: 10 facts about Kim Basinger (12 photos)

28 July 2024
Category: movie, 0+

December 8 marks the birthday of Kim Basinger, an American model and actress who became famous at the end of the 20th century. During her career, Kim managed to play many iconic roles and win an Oscar.

She was a very quiet and shy child

Kim had a difficult relationship with her parents, and her father’s habit of criticizing his daughter’s every move greatly affected her character.

“I just couldn’t satisfy his requests. He never complimented me. And I was faced with constant silence. Children always take silence terribly well.”

Basinger admitted that she was an extremely shy and lonely child, which is why she faced many difficulties during her school years.

Loved the movie "My Fair Lady"

Like many other future actors, young Kim Basinger loved classic films. Her favorite film was “My Fair Lady” starring Audrey Hepburn. Kim loved this piece so much that she even sang the song “Wouldn’t It Be Loverly” at a beauty pageant in her hometown of Athens, America.

Kim could become a ballerina or opera singer

Kim never won the local beauty contest, but participation in the competition brought her an offer to become the face of an advertising campaign for Breck shampoo. Thus, Basinger discovered the modeling business.

However, before this, Kim planned to become a ballerina or opera singer. She studied dancing from the age of three, and also took vocal lessons - however, her teacher wanted to make Basinger a classical opera singer, while she was closer to soul.

Earned $1000 a day as a model

Basinger began modeling as a child and within a few years had built a full-time career in the business. She once suspended cooperation with the agency for several years to study at the university, but soon changed her mind and continued acting.

As a model, Basinger earned an average of a thousand dollars a day. Nevertheless, Kim was very tired of having to run from client to client and constantly monitor her appearance. As a result, she left the modeling business and soon took up her acting career in earnest.

Hated mirrors

It is quite a popular misconception that models love narcissism more than anything else.

As a child, Kim was embarrassed to even raise her hand in class, and in addition, she tried her best to avoid mirrors. This habit continued even while Basinger worked as a model - she admitted that she hated her appearance.

Basinger's first husband changed his last name for her sake

Many people are well aware of the scandalous story of Kim's marriage to Alec Baldwin, which ended in divorce and a fight for custody of her 13-year-old daughter Ireland. However, before Baldwin, the actress was married to stylist Ron Snyder.

During their time together, Snyder changed his last name to Britton because Basinger asked to change it to "something with a B." He also quit his job and avoided publicity so as not to affect Basinger's sex symbol status.

She has a bad relationship with her family

Despite her success, Kim Basinger's personal life has always been full of drama. Even relationships with her parents and family were always difficult for her: once relatives advised her to buy a town in Georgia, as a result of which the star had to declare bankruptcy.

To her wedding in 1993, Kim invited only her father and younger sister. They were the only relatives whom Basinger mentioned in her acceptance speech when receiving an Oscar in 1998.

Kim sold her engagement ring for charity

For decades, Basinger has been an active animal rights activist and vegan, and has worked with charities like PETA.

As one of the gestures of goodwill, Kim put up her engagement ring from Alec Baldwin for auction - the lot went for 60 thousand dollars. In 2004, the actress donated all proceeds to the PAWS animal relief organization.

Basinger is the first Oscar-winning actress to pose nude for Playboy

Since Kim Basinger first became a successful model and only then began acting in films, she has several unusual achievements.

Perhaps the most interesting of them is that Basinger became the first actress to receive an Oscar and at the same time take part in a nude photo shoot for Playboy magazine.

Kim Basinger suffers from agoraphobia

The actress has always struggled with anxiety, which arose in childhood. During her marriage to Alec Baldwin, her social anxiety developed into agoraphobia, due to which the actress could not leave the house for several months.

The disease also led to frequent panic attacks while driving - Kim had to literally relearn how to drive. In addition, for a long time she avoided attending the premieres of her own films - until she began therapy.

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