Original inventions that did not survive until 2021 (14 photos)

28 June 2024
Category: story, 0+

Let's plunge into the past for a couple of minutes and look at examples of short-lived, but at one time very original inventions.

Their Steve Jobs and Elon Musks lived in all decades and invented many useful and relevant mechanisms, based on what year it was. Many similar gizmos from the past, of course, do not fit into today's realities, instead taking on entertainment properties.

1. Folding emergency bridge, Netherlands, 1926

2. Piano for the bedridden

3. Reading chair, 1750

4. Military locators from the First World War

The device was used to determine the location of enemy artillery positions.

5. Revolving camera, 1938

The camera takes a picture when the owner of the revolver pulls the trigger. In this way, it was planned to record the circumstances of the shots made by the police.

6. Visitors to music stores listen to records in special “fitting rooms.” London, 1955

7. Iter Avto, the first car navigation device, created in 1930

It was equipped with routes depicted on paper scrolls. Connected to the speedometer.

8. Pocket mini-TV designed by entrepreneur Clive Sinclair, 1966

9. Goodyear and their illuminated tires from the 1960s

10. Japanese electronic mousetrap “Cat Mew”

The device meows 10 times a minute and scares away mice with its eyes that light up.

11. British all-terrain vehicle, 1936

Capable of descending slopes up to 65 degrees.

12. Hat with built-in radio, 1931

Analogous to today's portable speaker.

13. “Grease Gun” M3 - an assault rifle that can shoot from around corners. USA, 1953

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