17 poor souls who are the perfect definition of a bad day (18 photos + 2 videos)
Nobody knows what trials life has prepared for him. Even the most successful day can turn upside down at any moment. Apparently, fate wants to test our strength, and absolutely no person is immune from bad days. In this post you will see epic failures and unfortunate incidents.
I decided to have a snack before the interview and doused myself with orange juice.
This is dragon fruit
I sat on my favorite glasses
He can only hope that this is the last trouble
Help has arrived
Life is tough
I dropped a metal can and broke the sink

I was riding my bike home and didn't notice a huge hole.

I'll probably spend all day collecting these pieces.

A little more and he would have succeeded

My blender broke and started jumping all over the kitchen.


I took my first archery lesson today

I don't think this car will be used any time soon

There was a hurricane wind, and now there is no electricity either.

My neighbor broke my fence today

I'm terribly afraid of cockroaches

Our cat has decided that we no longer need blinds.

“Cool” I went to the concert of my favorite band, I’m short, and I saw only phones