15 people who suddenly faced a heap of problems (13 photos + 3 videos)
Life is far from ideal, and sometimes it gives us all sorts of unpleasant surprises. These challenges teach us mental toughness and a positive attitude because often success or failure depends on our thoughts and behavior. In this post you will see people who shared the not-so-best parts of their day.
First day of vacation
Lunch delivery was complicated
A tree from my property fell on my neighbor's car. Who's to blame now?

Didn't calculate my strength
At the gym I took a shower for 5 minutes and when I came out my shoes and socks were missing. The administration said I was out of luck

The dog was playing with something in the room, only then did I understand what it was with

Just when you think things can't get any worse
At work, I found my lunch, which my wife prepared for me, with one eye on my son

We built a large gazebo over our back patio for extra shade.

I wore a thimble to avoid pricking my finger, but the back of the needle went straight through

I have a wedding today

The master said that he hung the box conscientiously

My dog accidentally slammed the front door and it's raining outside

I have to be at an interview in five minutes. But I drenched myself in coffee

I never thought that the bottom of a pan could fall off