What abilities can appear during pregnancy (6 photos + 1 video)

17 September 2024
Category: children, health, 0+

It is known that women become a bit of superheroes while pregnant. During this process, mothers are able to set amazing records that no one else is capable of.

This is a unique process, because a new life is born inside a woman. Pregnancy is often associated with pain, swelling, complications, and childbirth is a pain that can only truly be understood by those who also gave birth. During contractions, many women experience almost unbearable pain and it is almost impossible to predict exactly how labor will proceed. Just prepare as much as possible.

Changes in the body

In 2016, Chinese woman Wang Shi was pregnant for 17 months! The previous record was 13 months.

An Indian woman simultaneously carried and gave birth to 11 children.

These cases are unique, but here is what happens to each body: in all expectant mothers, the uterus increases in size hundreds of times (up to 500), and in weight up to 24 times. And after birth it is able to return to its previous state. The heart also increases in size, because it has to process blood volumes one and a half times normal.

Also, a woman’s body begins to produce hormones that change many body functions. The joints become softer under the influence of relaxin to facilitate the birth process. Estrogen, progesterone and human chorionic gonadotropin increase olfactory abilities. Foods that may have been favorites before pregnancy may taste and smell unbearable because your body doesn't need them. Progesterone works as a kind of radar that looks for what is needed - even if it is soap, strawberries, or wet asphalt.


In pregnant women, immunity and regenerative abilities are greatly enhanced - the fetus shares fetal stem cells with the mother in case of injury and “young blood”. Therefore, injuries in expectant mothers heal with amazing speed.

In the journal "Biochemistry" specialists from Moscow State University, biologists V.A. Popov, D.N. Silachev and S.S. Jankauskas wrote that pregnancy is a parabiotic model of interaction between two organisms of different ages. That is, mutually beneficial coexistence. The small organism not only feeds from the mother, but also has a beneficial effect on her.

People management

There is such an interesting superpower of expectant mothers. Few men will not go for strawberries, chalk, or pineapple for their pregnant woman at night. In many men, scientists have recorded “pregnancy symptoms” - emotionality, increased empathy, emotionality. Yes, pregnancy not only gives new life, but also gives birth to love.

In this video, men were connected to a special device that simulates the pain of the entire labor process: from the onset of contractions to childbirth itself.

Probably, every man who feels at least half of what a woman feels at this moment will never be able to disparage his mothers and wives, believing that childbirth is nothing special, because many go through this.

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