Bearded Don Juan in the style of the world of birds (5 photos + 1 video)

18 August 2024
Category: animals, 0+

Birds for the most part look similar to each other. Therefore, in order to attract the attention of the fair half and then start a family (or get theirs and run away, depending on who you are), feathered suitors have to equally try and care. Sing songs, perform dances. Well, or bring some goodies.

And she doesn't have to fuss. After all, the Ecuadorian umbrella bird’s seduction tool is a built-in option. And always with you, you don’t even have to strain. Maybe just a little bit.

This modest-looking cunning creature lives in the tropics of Ecuador and Colombia. Very high in the mountains and rarely descends to the level of people. By the way, the feathered bird got its name thanks to its stylish hairstyle, for which any dude would sell his soul. But the bird's hairstyle is not the most remarkable feature. Under the stylish styling, or more precisely, under the beak, there is a throat pouch - a leather formation covered with feathers. The erotic contraption reaches a length of 35 centimeters, that is, almost the size of the bird itself (the body length of males does not exceed half a meter).

To be fair, the Ecuadorian umbrella bird lives quietly for most of the year and does not show much light. But everything changes when they come... I mean, he is a reproductive instinct. And the long-sacked creature begins to scream throughout the jungle. Moreover, the singing, which is reminiscent at the same time of a lion's roar and the bleating of a goat, clearly cannot be called singing. But the main thing here is to let the ladies in the area know about you. And then they will catch up themselves. Just choose, because how can anyone resist such magnificence?

At the sight of an attractive young lady, the bag quickly transforms, inflates, and the feathers stand on end. But this does not scare the females, but attracts them. After all, this is an indicator of health. Accordingly, the chicks from such a father will be strong.

After the end of the action, everyone continues to live their own lives. Don Juan flies off in search of new beauties who have not yet been made happy. More precisely, it jumps more in short dashes, since flying fully in the intricacies of vines, and even with such a thing dangling between its paws, is very problematic.

And mommy begins to build a nest. By the way, they lead such a secretive lifestyle that ornithologists discovered carefully camouflaged nests only at the beginning of this century. And there is still very little information about how the process of nurturing and educating the younger generation goes.

So the principle of the umbrella bird - be yourself and do what you must, is definitely worth adopting by representatives of other species. Why not? It works, after all.

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