20 reminders of how important it is to think first and only then act (21 photos)
The online community Idiots At Work reminds us with every photo how important safety rules are. And also that it would be nice to use your head at least sometimes!
1. The welder may be a good one. But definitely not a genius
2. Trainee: What is that red light on the ground box? Engineer: What?! Send me a photo
3. Superheroes in real life
4. You did the right thing by tying it up. Otherwise it would have fallen
5. Interesting way to start a chainsaw
6. Mechanic of the Year
7. The truck driver lost part of his cargo on the road, caused an accident and fled the scene
8. What's wrong?
9. “I received a package. Now I sit and imagine how someone spent half an hour packing it like this.”
10. Why do you need a ladder?
11. From the series “How many complete idiots does it take to change a light bulb?”
12. It didn’t turn out well
13. Safety comes first! Everyone knows this
14. Some lady decided to lie on the grass right under the house where construction is underway. It seemed like nothing had happened and nothing fell on top of her, but what was she even thinking about?
15. Something hasn’t been thought through here
16. “I wonder when they will realize where they parked the car...”
17. Well, I fastened my seat belt very securely.
18. “I connected the Christmas tree, boss.”
19. Dangerous maneuver
20. Employee of the month!