25+ myths that many people believe in (30 photos)
Many common beliefs are rooted in the misconceptions of previous generations and have nothing to do with reality.
Myth: You have to wait a day or two to file a missing person report. Reality: an application can be submitted immediately if there is a suspicion that a person is in trouble
Myth: We only use 10% of our brain. Reality: We use our entire brain, it's just that different activities require different cells to be active.
Myth: Human blood is blue and only turns red outside the body. Reality: it's always red
Myth: Everyone gets what they deserve. Reality: Statements like these only further traumatize the victim.
Myth: The polygraph cannot be fooled. Reality: the polygraph is a very inaccurate instrument that also requires very accurate interpretation
Myth: Billionaires are people with a quick mind and imagination. Reality: Most great fortunes are the result of a lucky coincidence
Myth: Antibiotics help with colds. Reality: Antibiotics do not help against viral diseases and are used by doctors only to treat complications of the common cold.
Myth: Zodiac signs determine your character and destiny. Reality: horoscopes are bullshit
Myth: The theory of the existence of "alpha males" in human society. Reality: Alpha males are characteristic of pack animals: they are the fathers, and the pack are their offspring
Myth: Having a hobby is for children. Reality: a hobby is good for the psyche of any adult
Myth: There is only one suitable partner in the world. Reality: there are many suitable partners in the world, it is more difficult not to meet the right person, but to build a relationship with him
Myth: You get a cold if you are cold. Reality: colds are caused by viruses, cold only contributes to their rapid development in the body
Myth: Lightning does not strike in the same place twice. Reality: it hits, and often
Myth: Carnivores can survive on a vegetarian diet. Reality: Vegetarianism will most likely kill the carnivore quickly
Myth: Vaccines cause autism. Reality: nothing like that, it’s just a coincidence - autism often manifests itself at the age of mass vaccination, after 2 years
Myth: Solar panels only work in light. Reality: they charge in the light and release energy, like any batteries, at the time you need
Myth: A pregnant woman should not raise her arms high, otherwise the baby will become entangled in the umbilical cord. Reality: You can raise your arms to any height without affecting the umbilical cord
Myth: Video games cause violence. Reality: psychologists have long proven that one does not correlate with the other.
Myth: Carrots are good for your eyesight. Reality: visual impairment is caused by a change in the shape of the eyeball; neither carrots nor other vegetables can change it
Myth: MSG is harmful to your health. Reality: It's no more harmful than salt - if you don't eat it in excess, it's a great spice
Myth: Greek statues were snow-white. Reality: Greek artists covered them with bright colors, they just faded from time
Myth: Widening roads helps eliminate traffic jams. Reality: if you make the road wider, soon some drivers will change routes, and traffic will return to its previous level
Myth: You can’t swim after eating, you have to wait at least an hour. Reality: swim whenever you want, but immediately after eating it will naturally be difficult for an athlete to show a high result
Myth: Until the Middle Ages, people believed the Earth was flat. Reality: the fact that the Earth is a ball was known to ancient Greek scientists
Myth: Shaving makes your hair thicker. Reality: their thickness does not change, they seem thicker due to the tips being evenly cut with a razor
Myth: If you swallow a watermelon seed, it will germinate in your stomach. Reality: no comment
Myth: Eating cheese before bed will give you nightmares. Reality: cheese doesn’t have this feature, but if you don’t eat too much before bed, you’ll actually sleep better
Myth: 50% of marriages end in divorce. Reality: these statistics include second and subsequent divorces, so each couple has a significantly more than half chance of living together for the rest of their lives