Insects that are very helpful to humans (11 photos)

8 March 2025
Category: nature, 0+

Insects are the most common class of living organisms on Earth. People have lived side by side with them for so long that they have learned to benefit from living together.

After all, this is a huge resource, why not use it? And they were right. Here are ten insects that work every day for the benefit of humanity.


Silkworms were domesticated by humans about 5,000 years ago, and silk production has long been a secret in China. After the secret was revealed, silk began to be produced in many countries where mulberries grew. After opening the cocoons, the silkworm larvae are not thrown away, but are used as food.


Cochineal is a bright red substance obtained from cochineal worms that is used to produce carmine, a natural dye. Cochineal is cultivated specifically to produce this dye and is used to dye fabrics and foods.


Bees are perhaps the most common insect that has been used by humans since ancient times. There are about 20 thousand species of bees on Earth, but only about 20 breeds are used for honey production and pollination.

Drosophila fly

This is an insect that has served science more than any other. Geneticists have studied it inside and out, and many experiments have been conducted on this type of fly.


It is not only a sweet delicacy and a source of poison for the production of medicines, but also useful assistants in gardening. Some types of ants are bred in gardens to protect fruits from pests and also for harvesting rooibos.

Peacock eyes

Peacock eye caterpillars are a delicacy in North Africa and cost four times more than beef. In addition, their cocoons are used to produce silk. Worldwide, more than 2 thousand species of insects are used for food due to their high protein content.

Gold beetles

Gold beetles are a family of insects that includes more than 15 thousand species. Their stiff wings can be used to create unique jewelry such as beads, brooches and dress decor. Each beetle decoration can be unique due to the variety of types.


Spider webs are the most expensive material in the world. It is also used for scientific research, and the spiders themselves can be used as pets or food. In addition, spider venom is used to produce medicines and pesticides.


This is an excellent and unusual decoration and is still used by the natives of South America to illuminate their homes. In the past, they were even tied to feet to light the way at night, or also used to decorate oneself for a holiday.


Natural remedies for gardens and vegetable gardens.

Ladybugs can help you get rid of aphids on plants in your garden without the use of chemicals. One ladybug larva eats up to 50 aphids per day, which is why they are often used to control pests in greenhouses. They are even specially bred and sold.

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