Interesting things about mountains (11 photos)

7 March 2025
Category: traveling, 0+

No matter what anyone says, mountains are not just a beautiful landscape, they are a huge amount of emotions and impressions that you will definitely remember for the rest of your life!

Mountains are tall and majestic natural formations that cover vast territories and impress with their beauty. Here are some interesting facts that may show you the mountains in a new light.


Mountains grow the fastest on Earth, but it happens so slowly that the results of this process are visible only after millions of years. Some mountains, such as the Himalayas, still continue to grow by several millimeters per year.

Mount Olympus

The highest mountain in the solar system is on Mars. This is Mount Olympus, whose height is almost 22 km. It is more than two times higher than Everest.

Scientists in the mountains

Mountains are often used for scientific research, because on their slopes and peaks you can find rare and exotic flora and fauna, as well as find crystals and minerals that can be useful for science.


Mountain ranges can have a significant influence on climate. Mountains prevent the spread of air masses, and this can lead to the formation of powerful winds and air cycles, which in turn can affect the weather.


Mountains usually have deep cultural and historical roots. Many ancient civilizations lived in mountains, and temples and monasteries were built on the tops of some mountains. Today, these places are still places of pilgrimage and spiritual reflection.

In Tibet, there is a custom of giving hadaks (white scarves) when visiting sacred places in the mountains. In some cultures, mountains are considered sacred and have special significance in religious rites and practices.

If you haven't been to the mountains yet, be sure to add a trip to the highlands or even climbing to your bucket list.

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