It’s not clear how all these birds survived with such a garish color. Or maybe their bright plumage, on the contrary, signals to predators that it is better not to touch such a treasure?
Wherever you go, you will be surrounded by the sounds of birdsong throughout nature. We are accustomed to the fact that birds are gray, black or all possible shades of brown. But in many parts of our planet there are birds with such bright and beautiful plumage that, looking at them, it is impossible not to freeze in amazement.
Pink robin
This charming little girl lives in Australia.
Paradise Tangara
This colorful bird in a bright light green balaclava can be found in South America.
New Zealand tui
It is easy to guess that this bird is found in New Zealand. Considered the best songbird in Oceania.
Indigo Amazelia
A tiny bird from the genus Calibri. Distributed in Colombia and Costa Rica.
Violet Grenadier, also known as Violet Astrild
It builds nests somewhere in Africa.
Lilac-breasted Roller
This beauty is found in Africa. They love to nest on the tops of coconut palms.
Ruby Kingfisher, also known as Three-toed Forest Kingfisher
This baby is common in South and Southeast Asia.
Amethyst Short-tailed Starling
A songbird from the African rainforest.
Gould's finch
The most colorful Australian bird.
Painted titmouse
This pearlescent bird can be found in China, India, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.