18 amazing living creatures that were only identified with the help of Internet experts (19 photos)

Yesterday, 10:00
Category: animals, 0+

Subscribers of one of the Reddit communities identify animals, insects and marine inhabitants, photographs of which are posted by other users of the Internet site.

How many amazing living creatures live on our extraordinary planet! We know many of them well, and some we are not even aware of. It is all the more surprising when we meet some of these strangers not in the deep jungle of the Amazon, but in our garden or on the sea coast.

And how wonderful it is that in the modern world with free access to the Internet, you can simply upload a photo of a creature of interest to one of the forums and find out who we met along the way!

What kind of bug is this?

It's simple - it's an acorn weevil.

Who is this? The hawk dropped it in the yard

Looks like a cottontail rabbit. He's a steppe rabbit.

What in the name of God did I find on my farm??!!

This is the Horned Devil - the larva of the King Moth. Unfortunately, their number is rapidly declining. Look, they are very beautiful when they turn into a butterfly.

Please tell me who is this? I understand that this is a chick, but I don’t understand what kind of bird

This is a rock pigeon chick.

This guy was found in the pool

This is a tiger salamander (ambistoma)!!! They are cute guys!!

What kind of animal is that?

This rodent is called the common mole rat. Quite a large animal.

What are these cute deer-rabbits?

Patagonian mara (also known as Patagonian guinea pig)

Some call them "Patagonian hares"! By the way, they make the cutest sound.

Found washed ashore in North Carolina

It looks like an eared aurelia (aka moon jellyfish).

What kind of bird is this?

This is a large eared nightjar, they are from South and Southeast Asia.

What kind of animal is that? Some kind of rat?

Yes, it's a baby wombat!

What kind of frog is this?

Rain frog! They are so cute, and they also scream funny.

Found this thing on a beach in South Florida while kayaking - what is it???

Looks like a spotted sea hare, a type of sea slug. Harmless to humans, but may release ink as a protective measure.

What kind of animal is this?

Looks like one of the varieties of marsupial mice.

Clearwater Beach in Florida. There are a lot of them on the beach after high tide

This is a folded sea squirt. When this creature is in danger, it can shoot water.

What breed is this frog?

This is probably a Chak slingshot.

What is this thing? I'm not even sure it's alive

This sea cucumber is one of the varieties of pyrosomes.

What is the name of this beetle? Found among greenery in Quepos, Costa Rica

This is the larva of a turtle beetle.

This guy looks like a rodent. Who is this?

It's just a woodchuck.

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